Lady Amelia's Secret Lover

Lady Amelia's Secret Lover by Victoria Alexander Read Free Book Online

Book: Lady Amelia's Secret Lover by Victoria Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Alexander
“You’ve never considered me particularly wise.”
    “On some subjects I consider you quite knowledgeable.” She offered him a cup.
    He grimaced but accepted it. “I am almost afraid to ask which subjects those might be.”
    “Any number I would imagine, most of them quite unsavory.”
    “No doubt.” He chuckled. “And on which unsavory subject do you require my assistance?”
    “This particular subject is not the least bit unsavory,” she said coolly. “It’s your brother.”
    “Robert?” He studied her. “I can’t imagine why you would need my help with Robert.”
    “It does seem far-fetched but…” She paused to find the right words. “Are you aware that he has a mistress?”
    “No, you are not aware, or no, he doesn’t have a mistress?”
    Harry chose his words with care. “I am not awareof Robert’s having a mistress, and as I assume I would indeed know of such a circumstance, I can say no. To my knowledge Robert does not have a mistress.”
    “Are you sure?”
    “As sure as I can be.” He took a sip of tea, whether to give himself a moment to think or to distract her from the topic at hand, she couldn’t tell. Probably both. Harry had always been a crafty sort. “Obviously you have reason to believe otherwise. Why do you think he has a mistress?”
    It was humiliating enough to admit to her sisters her discovery of the bracelet; she wasn’t about to tell Harry as well. “I confess, I’m not completely certain—”
    “Oh well, then—”
    “He’s changed, Harry. The, well, passion we once shared has dimmed considerably.”
    “You have been married for six years.”
    “Regardless, there’s a rift between us, and it scarcely matters whether it’s due to another woman or some other reason entirely.” She set her cup down and leaned toward her brother-in-law. “I want my husband’s affections back, Harry.”
    “And you think by taking a lover of your own you can accomplish that?”
    She stared at him for a moment. “You’ve been talking to Robert.”
    “Apparently, in this family, when one needs advice on matters of a carnal nature”—he flashed her a wicked grin—“I am the one to turn to.”
    “You are the expert.”
    “It’s my lot in life.” He shrugged.
    “Do you know Robert plans on helping me find a lover?”
    She nodded. “He feels it’s his responsibility.”
    “Robert always has had an overly robust sense of responsibility,” Harry murmured, and sipped his tea.
    She braced herself. “I, however, want you.”
    Harry choked and sputtered. “Me?”
    “Yes, you,” she said firmly.
    “I didn’t think you especially liked me.”
    “I don’t dislike you. Besides, you’re the perfect choice.”
    “I’m flattered, as any man would be, but—”
    “You needn’t be flattered. I want you because you’re safe and I can trust you.”
    “I say, Amelia.” Harry straightened with indignation. “I have been called many things by many women, but safe has never been one of them. And I am universally considered not to be the least bit trustworthy.”
    “And yet.” She waved off his objection. “That doesn’t bother me in the least. Will you do it? Will you be my lover?”
    “Absolutely not.” Harry glared. “I would never betray my brother in such a manner. I can’t believe you think I would even consider such a thing.” He rose to his feet and stared at her in a righteous manner. “Furthermore, Amelia, this discussion is at an end.”
    “This discussion is nowhere near over, Harry. Now sit down.”
    He hesitated.
    “First you command me to come, now you tell me to sit.” Nonetheless, he retook his seat. “I am not a lapdog, and I will not be treated like one.”
    “A lapdog is the last thing I, or any other woman,would consider you, Harry. Now, please, do hear me out.”
    “Very well, but you’ll get no help from me. I have no desire to be in the middle of whatever difficulties my brother and his wife

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