My Forbidden Mentor

My Forbidden Mentor by Laura Mills Read Free Book Online

Book: My Forbidden Mentor by Laura Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Mills
strange behavior left her confused and discouraged. One week, he said. In one week her dream would live or die. I’m counting on you, Lord Blackburn, to let it live.

Chapter Four
    John pondered the entire week since he’d last seen Melissa. Now, as he sat beneath his “thinking” tree, as he called the giant Mulberry, his body flexed into a languid stretch.
    Clasping his hands behind his head, his eyes closed and he drifted into a peaceful slumber. What to do about Melissa? Not every woman attracted John and the constant gossip that he bedded any and every woman that came into his path couldn’t be further from the truth. Although he had lain with a number of women in his time, John was very particular.
    And now came Melissa, sweet Melissa, who held definite attraction for him. He thought back to her desperate attempts and with a curve of his lips, laughter bellowed inside him. The look in her eyes when she got caught was invaluable. He had never laughed so hard when he told Robert about what had happened. Then it dawned on him that laughter had been a rarity among his female acquaintances and it seemed so easy with Melissa. He couldn’t help having desiring thoughts about her, and combined with her interest in thoroughbreds, it fascinated him. He never imagined meeting a woman whose involvement with the gentle beasts would match his. A decision had to be made soon, before she gave up on him and went out on her own again.
    One week had passed, Melissa thought as she hunched down in her garden. Under a cloudy gray sky she set about trimming perishing petals from the rose bushes she had planted earlier in the year from bare roots. Gaping at their brilliant displays of color, she took pride in her small rose garden. Her attention remained focused while collecting fallen rose petals and smoothing rich blackened dirt back around each individual plant when a towering figure appeared.
    She jumped when hearing the deep, inquiring voice. Lord Blackburn’s voice. Her eyes closed. At last her future would be decided. She opened her eyes to the noticeable body heat penetrating around her and realized that he had crouched down next to her, studying her actions.
    “Lord Blackburn,” she acknowledged, her hands turning shaky as she resumed smoothing dirt around the plants.
    “The roses are lovely and they look well-tended,” John told her, finding the compliment coming easy for him.
    Melissa appreciated the compliment but couldn’t help being eager to hear what he had to say. He was here for one reason. She looked him square in the face. Was he to become her mentor? “Thank you,” she responded with a generous smile. Was he tormenting her on purpose?
    John smiled back, being quite aware that she must be feeling turbulent inside. Perhaps he should ease her mind. If his instincts were correct she would prove to be a valuable asset to his company if all went as planned. “Do you think you can work as hard training to be my jockey?” John asked and wasn’t sure if Melissa had heard him because she hadn’t reacted yet.
    But not a moment later, slender arms flew around his neck, her motion rocking him off balance, though he kept them both from falling by bracing his hands on the ground. Her voice held excitement after comprehending his decision. “Oh, Lord Blackburn, I could kiss you.”
    As soon as she realized her words, she loosened her grip and backed away from him. “I meant that as a figure of speech, of course.”
    John understood her excitement, but to avoid further awkwardness he carried on with the matter at hand while he stood. “May I presume you’re happy about my decision?” he asked, brushing loose soil from his trousers.
    He was giving her a chance. How could she not be happy? In fact, she was grateful. “I’ll be the best jockey you’ll ever have. You have my commitment and full cooperation.”
    John chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Yes, well before we partake in this

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