Laughter in the Wind

Laughter in the Wind by SL Harris Read Free Book Online

Book: Laughter in the Wind by SL Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: SL Harris
Tags: Gay & Lesbian, Bella ebook
what it has to do with here.”
    “I’m getting to that,” Olivia continued. “After Grandmama had walked away, I looked at the back of the picture. It said, ‘Jane, MJ and Ralph, Springtown, MO, April, 1929.’ And that is what brought me here.”
    “Springtown!” Rebecca exclaimed, sitting up straight in her booth. “That’s my hometown.” She waited for Olivia to grasp the importance of this but Olivia just looked at her blankly.
    “Living in a small town is a lot different than living in a city,” Rebecca explained. “Someone in a small town knows something about everyone and everything that has ever happened in that small town. We just have to figure out who that someone is. Can you get a copy of that picture?” Rebecca asked.
    Olivia was startled at Rebecca’s question. “Well, yes, I guess. But, I don’t see how that can help. I don’t think you’re old enough to recognize them,” she added, teasingly.
    “No, but I know a few people who might be.” Rebecca smiled at Olivia encouragingly.
    * * *
    After making plans to meet again the following weekend, Olivia took Rebecca back to her car. Rebecca was reluctant to part company but knew Olivia still had a drive ahead of her and she still had shopping to do for her mother. Olivia also looked a little sad as she pulled up in the library’s back parking lot beside Rebecca’s old Buick.
    Rebecca thought she must be disappointed about her research that day. “Don’t worry,” she said softly, reaching out and giving Olivia’s hand a gentle squeeze. “We’ll get this all figured out.”
    “Oh,” said Olivia. “I’m not worried. I was just thinking about how much I enjoyed today and how I hate to go back to St. Louis. Thanks for the pizza, by the way.”
    “Any time,” said Rebecca and she was surprised to realize how much she meant it. She had found such easy companionship with Olivia and was glad she was returning in one week. “Can you stay the weekend next time? Mom and Dad won’t mind if you stay. Mom would probably welcome the chance to make me clean the guest bedroom.” She groaned in mock despair, thinking of the things she would have to put away so the room could be used.
    “Sure, I would love to stay,” Olivia said softly with that funny smile Rebecca had seen a few times when she had caught Olivia looking at her, in the library, in the restaurant and in the car. “Too bad you don’t have a place of your own yet.”
    Then Olivia quickly leaned over, gave Rebecca a quick hug, a kiss on the cheek then pushed away as she said, “Go now and I’ll see you next weekend. Text me and we’ll get the details set up.”
    Rebecca was too surprised by the show of affection to do more than respond with a quick good-bye as she slid out of the car, closed the door and watched Olivia pull away.
    Her mind raced as she completed her mother’s shopping. Olivia had gotten closer to her in just two days, not even full days at that, than most of her friends had done in weeks or months of knowing her. She guessed that was her own fault; she wasn’t exactly overflowing with emotion most of the time. There was something different about Olivia though. There was no comparison between the night with her friends at the pizza place and today with Olivia. She had really enjoyed herself today instead of sitting on the outside looking in, wondering what was wrong. Typically when she was surrounded by her peers, she felt like she was in a foreign land. Somehow with Olivia it was like they spoke the same language. They were also both intrigued by a mystery. Rebecca had to admit that, in her mind, the pile of dirt at Peacock Cemetery had taken a backseat to Olivia’s family secrets. She already knew two people she would take Olivia to visit and maybe they would lead her to others.
    As she pulled into her driveway her phone alert sounded. Olivia had texted. “Made it home. Had a great day. Can’t wait to c u again.”
    She texted Olivia back quickly,

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