Laura Marlin Mysteries 2: Kidnap in the Caribbean

Laura Marlin Mysteries 2: Kidnap in the Caribbean by Lauren St John Read Free Book Online

Book: Laura Marlin Mysteries 2: Kidnap in the Caribbean by Lauren St John Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren St John
walking around the ship?’ Jimmy persisted.
    ‘Ooh, I do hope not,’ said Rita, looking at the queue for the buffet counter as if she expected any murderers and thieves to be wearing placards.
    ‘Don’t be a dodo,’ boomed Bob, pounding a paw on the table. The salt and pepper leapt into the air. ‘As if they’d allow criminals on the Ocean Empress .’
    Several people glanced their way and a woman at the next table giggled nervously.
    Laura couldn’t believe she’d been so stupid as to say that her uncle was a detective, much less than he was under cover. If she’d said he was a little under the weather, they’d have imagined he was seasick and the whole conversation would have been over by now.
    ‘Besides,’ Bob was saying, ‘I think they’re making it up. It’s pure fantasy.’
    Tariq had been silent throughout, but now he sat up. ‘Sir, if there’s one thing Laura never does, it’s lie. She’s too loyal to her uncle to tell you, but the truth is he’s not very well at the moment and is unable to join us for meals. However, he was once a brilliant detective and Laura takes after him. She’s a pretty fine investigator herself. She’ll be as good as Matt Walker when she’s older.’
    ‘I’m going to be a detective too,’ announced Jimmy. He’d been tucking into a trifle and had a cream moustache with chocolate sprinkles. ‘Only I’m going to be even better than Matt Walker. And fifty times better than your invisible uncle.’
    Laura had an overwhelming desire to leap across the table and shove his face in his trifle. ‘I bet you don’t even know who Matt Walker is,’ she said scornfully.
    ‘Do too.’
    Rita wiped her mouth on her napkin and put an arm around her son. ‘But honey, only yesterday you were telling us you wanted to be a submarine commander. And before that you said your dream was to be an engineer and build a skyscraper.’
    Jimmy shoved an enormous portion of trifle into his mouth, smiled angelically and said: ‘Well, now I’m going to be the best detective in the world!’
    ‘Of course you are, hon,’ smiled Rita. To the other children she said: ‘He’s very bright, our Jimmy. Top of the class he is in every subject. Loves science and maths, don’t you, sweetie?’
    Bob signalled to the waiter to bring him a portion of lemon meringue pie from the dessert counter. ‘Laura, Tariq, I apologise for doubting you. Clearly you and your mysterious uncle are not to be trifled with. Trifle – get it, tee hee. Better still, you obviously have a lot in common with my son, so you’ll have lots to chat about over the next week or so. How nice, Jimmy, that you have two new friends.’

    As soon as they were outside, Laura put her hands over her face and let out a muffled scream. ‘Two new friends! Lots to chat about during the voyage! They’ve got to be kidding.’
    ‘It’s a big ship,’ said Tariq. ‘Hopefully we’ll never see them again.’
    ‘That’s what you said this morning and we’ve just had to suffer through an entire dinner with them. As if that aggravating boy could be a better detective than Uncle Calvin. Fifty time s better! I couldn’t believe my ears.’
    ‘Maybe he thought it was a way to make us like him – to say he wanted to be a detective. He seems lonely. I know he’s a bit irritating, but maybe we should give him a chance. You were kind to me when I was the loneliest boy on earth, and that turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.’
    ‘Yes, but you were the nicest, bravest, most wonderful person I’d ever met, and he’s … he’s the most infuriating.’ She stopped. ‘Don’t look at me like that, Tariq.’
    He grinned. ‘Like what?’
    ‘With that look that makes me feel as if I’d walk across hot coals if you asked me to.’
    ‘This look.’ He put on his wounded fawn expression.
    She couldn’t help giggling. ‘I’m absolutely not promising anything, but … oh, all right, I’ll think

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