Legend of Mace

Legend of Mace by Daniel J. Williams Read Free Book Online

Book: Legend of Mace by Daniel J. Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel J. Williams
Maya suddenly walked in, witnessing the spectacle. Turning to Maya, Chelsea said, “Oh shit, the bong’s out. Let’s go check on Herman. You don’t want to talk to them right now.” They walked quickly to her room and closed the door as the laughter continued.
    Once the chuckling died down, Mace stared at Lisa in amazement. “You feel that?” he asked as he held his chest.
    “What” she said, still smiling.
    “The darkness. It’s gone. I haven’t felt this light in a damn long time.”
    Lisa eyes were turned down as she analyzed her inner radar. “Shit, I think you’re right!” she exclaimed after a moment. “I just wish it would last.”
    “Me, too.” Smiling again at the far off look on Tom’s face, Mace said, “Let me guess. You want him to stay awhile.”
    “It’s been years,” Lisa replied with a mischievous grin. “You won’t be seeing either one of us for awhile.”
    The first few months after she'd been bit, Lisa thought she might be okay. Listening to Mace as he expressed what was going on inside him, she didn't feel the same voracious anger he described as tearing at his soul.
    Wanting to prepare her for what might come, they shared hours of conversation. Reflecting on their old lives, Lisa confessed one night that she had a brother who committed suicide while she was still a teenager. As she recounted the experience, she expressed to Mace that while she'd been close with her brother, she felt closer to Mace now. "I feel a stronger bond with you than I ever did my own flesh and blood," she stated in all honesty.  It gave them an alliance. Having grown up an only child, a part of Mace relished their kinship, despite the cause. In spite of their growing sexual longing, they never saw each other that way. Their relationship, although dark and twisted through their connection, remained pure.
    They started referring to each other as bastard siblings, fathered by the same son-of-a-bitch that took over the world. As time went on, Lisa started suffering the same afflictions as Mace, and despair and hatred tried to clog her pores. It was their bond, their understanding that no one else could relate to, that allowed them to keep it together. They leaned on each other for support.
    Roger took a peek out the window and grew more nervous as the boys outside grew more animated and restless. He knew the man in their grasp only as Saul. As he watched, one of the boys punched Saul hard across the jaw.  Out of the corner of his eye Roger spotted Woody approach the group. At the sight of Woody, the boys calmed down considerably. After speaking with them for a moment, Woody turned and headed straight towards Roger's door.
    Moving away from the window, Roger said, “Watch yourself.”
    “What now?” Kelly asked, right before a knock on the door silenced them both. A second later, Woody let himself in.
    “I want to hear what you have to say,” Woody said, looking straight at Roger. “You know what’s happened. We don’t take strangers in easily. Why should we trust you now?”
    At only eleven, Woody commanded respect. Roger was impressed but unnerved by his posture and age. “We had nothing to do with the others. They left while we were still sleeping. If we had anything to do with it, why would we still be here now?”
    “That’s what I figured,” replied Woody, calmly. “We’ve got an angry camp right now, though, and while I can keep you safe, they’re going to want you to witness an execution. They’re going to want you to get the point.”
    Kelly briefly whimpered and turned away, remaining quiet.
    Trying not to get worked up, Roger said, “Do you execute many people?”
    “Not really. Most people don’t get this close.”
    Scrutinizing Woody, Roger saw his intelligence. He wanted to challenge his beliefs and perhaps reach his heart. At this point, he figured if he didn’t take some kind of stand he’d either end up dead or a slave anyway. “Is this really the kind of life you

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