Lethal Liaisons (Willful Women Assassins Series)

Lethal Liaisons (Willful Women Assassins Series) by Randall S. Smith Read Free Book Online

Book: Lethal Liaisons (Willful Women Assassins Series) by Randall S. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randall S. Smith
many ways there are to kill someone, and
Alexei has taught me a lot of them. He's trained over a hundred
people that now take contract assignments from him. He hired two new
'nieces' and he let me interview for a pool-boy. It turns out he's
into having sex parties. I only watched at first.”
    “At first? Tell us
more!” she insisted, as both she and Randolph became engrossed
in listening.
    “Oh, it's nothing
that interesting, mostly what you'd expect,” she responded a
bit dismissively.
    “What would we
expect?” asked Randolph with a chuckle.
    “What about that
pool-boy?” added Kris inquisitively.
    “Now that was fun.
It's nice having access to deep pockets and getting obedient staff.
Guys would come by for an interview. Some I merely told that I'd get
back to them, but if they were cute, I'd tell them to take off their
    “You did? Did they?”
    “Most did. It was so
much fun that I kept interviewing for two weeks!”
    They all laughed.
    “Then one day I met
Andre. He looked like he was right off a magazine cover and was just
the right size, if you know what I mean.”
    “I know you; I know
what you mean,” laughed Kris.
    “I told him that I'd
pay him well, but that he had to do whatever I told him to do.”
    “And he agreed. Then
I told him his uniform would consist of a set of knee pads. He didn't
get it. He wasn't that bright, but that wasn't what I was hiring him
for anyway.”
    “I don't get it
either, sis,” confessed Kris.
    Randolph leaned over and
whispered into her ear.
    “Oh my God, Karlee.
You wicked skank!” she said chidingly. “Well, my life
hasn't been so interesting. I've been helping out Randolph with his
dad's business, doing some more modeling and a few commercials. In
fact, I just heard from my agent. They're going to be making a major
film up at Lake Geneva and there might be a walk-on role for me! I
still have my Screen Actors Guild membership, so that could help get
me picked for the part.”
    “I still have mine,
too, from the time I appeared on that twins episode with you,”
Karlee said.
    “Oh yeah, I'd
forgotten about that. You should come down to the agency with me
tomorrow. It would be so much fun if we were in a movie together,
even if we don't get any lines!”
    She readily agreed and
accompanied her to the audition in the morning. The same big
flat-screen was still on the wall when they entered the interview
room, but it was different people conducting the session.
    “Thanks for coming
in, ladies. My name is Howard and this is my associate Marie. We're
familiar with your work, Kristie, and would like you to appear in a
minor role. Karlee, we saw the episode in which you two appeared as
twins and think we may want you to appear also, but we need to see a
little more as we're not as familiar with your ability.”
    “Well, I'm not
getting naked for you guys,” she huffed, looking up at the
    “That's not what
we're looking for today. We just want to get a sense of who you are
and if you might fit in,” said Marie.
    “My sister and I are
a lot alike, except that she's more of a home-body and I'm more of a
thrill seeker,” Karlee said, attempting to pitch her value to
    “What kind of
thrills, dear?”
    “I travel the world
and I kick ass, ma'am.”
    Howard perked up and asked,
“What does 'kick ass' mean?”
    “I'm close to getting
my black-belt in martial arts,” she bragged. “I've just
returned from extensive training in Europe and plan to resume my
education locally.”
    “If it's okay with
you, we'd like to record a sample of both your acting and fighting
skills for the screen. Our partners in New York and Hollywood will
review it. If things don't work out this time, there is something
else that we're working on,” said Howard. He then punched a
button on the intercom and asked for Raoul to join them.
    “Yeah, that's okay, I
    Before she could complete
her sentence, a South American lad entered through the

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