Life Is Not a Reality Show

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Book: Life Is Not a Reality Show by Kyle Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyle Richards
ignoring me! And then, lo and behold, I couldn’t have scripted it better—my ex-fiancé walks into the club! He was the man I’d been seeing right before I met Mauricio. So I swung into action. I quickly jumped up and said to my date, “We have to go!” and dragged him along as I headed for the door. And I timed it perfectly so that we’d bump into my ex-fiancé right in front of Mauricio’s table!
    When my ex-fiancé saw me, he got upset, because the breakup had been hard on him. “How could you have done this to me?” he said. “Look at me—I’m a disaster!”
    He started reaching for my hand, and the guy I was with, whom I’d known for years and who was really more like a friend, said, “I’m going to have to ask you to take your hand off her!” And that did it, they started fighting.
    Then Mauricio jumped up and said, “Do you need any help?”
    It was kind of hilarious! I waved my hands rather dramatically and said, “No, no, please! Let me handle this!” I told them to stop, announced that I had to go, and marched out.
    I had my date take me right home, because after that scene I figured I’d made my point, and I didn’t want Mauricio to think I was ending up in someone else’s bed.
    Then I just waited. I estimated the phone would be ringing in about twenty minutes. Sure enough, tick tock tick tock, the phone rang, and it was Mauricio. “Are you okay?” he said.
    “Oh, yes,” I sighed. “It was just a very awkward situation, just terrible.”
    Then he explained to me that before he’d met me he’d been kind of seeing a girl in Mexico whose family was close to his parents. He’d invited her to L.A. before he met me and didn’t know what to do about it. He told his mother, “I’m in love with Kyle and now I have this girl coming!”
    She told him to be a man of honor and take her out with his friends and explain the truth to her.
    So that’s what he did. The girl was at his table that night.
    I tortured him that night and the next day and then decided that was enough. The rest of the weekend I was with him and his friends again.
    When you’re dating, it’s important for a man to understand that he hasn’t captured you. He can’t assume that you’ll be waiting for him if he chooses to ignore you. If you have to explain that to him in his language by showing up in a hot dress and walking right by him arm-in-arm with someone else, then so be it!
    No matter what, make it clear that your life goes on, with or without him. And believe it yourself!


The Job’s Not Over Once You’re Hired
    I always tell my husband that being married is like taking care of a plant. It has to be watered every day, and you cannot ignore it. My husband and I can’t take each other for granted, and we both have to tend to our relationship every single day.
    In other words, ladies, your work isn’t done once he puts a ring on it!
    As I told you earlier, my best tip for a successful marriage is to make sure you get the right guy to the altar. But even with the greatest guy in the world, sustaining a marriage and making sure it grows and thrives and blossoms requires effort and devotion from both of you.
    Later on I will speak to what he needs to do (since sometimes a little bit of instruction is necessary, especially if you marry very young). But before we get to that, I want to tell you what I’ve learned in my own marriage—actually in both of them—about how a woman can water that plant and make sure the romantic bonds stay healthy and strong. Sometimes you’ll want to dig up the whole garden and stomp away, but stick with it!
    Okay, enough with the plant metaphor. Now I want to go back to the idea that selecting a mate is a lot like hiring someone for a really important job. Earlier we concentrated mostly on your role as the hiring manager, but it’s actually a mutual process. He’s also deciding whether or not to hire you. Once you’re married, congratulations—you got the job!
    But the

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