Line of Fire

Line of Fire by Simone Anderson Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Line of Fire by Simone Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Simone Anderson
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
someone muttered as the helicopter lifted off.
    “You want fun, join the Marines.”
    “No, that’s easy.”
    “No, easy is the Air Force.”
    “The only easy day was yesterday,” Ellison said, his voice lifting slightly.
    Hayden laughed along with everyone else and wiped the sweat out of his eyes. It definitely beat watching television.

    Chapter Five
    Christian clenched his jaw and stalked out of the Team HQ building. Light duty. He’d expected it. He still hated it. His wound had been stitched closed, with the exception of a small drainage tube, and bandaged. His arm still throbbed where the doctor had shoved a syringe of antibiotics into him.
    Looking at his watch, he figured he had enough time to catch a game of pool and a beer down at Hell’s Dune before he needed to be home. His team had a report time of oh-six-thirty and—Christian swore. He was on light duty until the drainage tube came out of his arm and medical cleared him to return.
    Twenty minutes later he sat outside the bar, contemplating his next move. The parking lot was packed. Beer and a round of pool with the team was tradition after returning from a mission. Sometimes the mood was somber, sometimes celebratory. They’d been back for just over twenty-four hours and tonight everyone would be at Hell’s Dune. Mission successful. Friday, there would no doubt be copious amounts of alcohol flowing, but tonight it would be sedate. No one wanted to work with a hangover.
    Taking a deep breath, Christian turned the vehicle off and made his way into the bar, taking his hat off as he entered. Music poured through the sound system, loud enough to be enjoyed, but not overbearing. He wasn’t in the mood for socializing. Trying to shrug off his sour mood, he acknowledged his teammates and ordered a beer from Brick at the bar before making his way to the pool tables. Someone had gotten the bright idea of starting a pool league, and the current stats had been posted on the wall.
    Eyes burrowed into the back of his head. Turning, he caught Hayden staring at him. Hayden raised his bottle and tilted it at him. Christian nodded, but didn’t raise his own glass. He hadn’t been prepared for the array of emotions rushing through him since they’d landed on the deck of the USS Nimitz . Hayden frowned and turned his attention back to his friends.
    Finding a spot at a table where he could watch the pool game while still keeping an eye on Hayden, Christian sat down and was quickly joined by his best friend, Jason. He was partway through his beer when one of the waitresses placed a glass of pop in front of him.
    “Sorry, honey, no more alcohol for you.”
    “What? Why the hell not?”
    “Brick’s orders. Something about not mixing alcohol and meds in his bar,” the girl said smiling sweetly.
    Christian growled and set the half-full bottle down with far more care than he felt. “Fine.”
    Beside him Jason laughed. Christian reached across the table and smacked his friend. Movement around Hayden catching his eye as he did. A very drunk Seiboweitz was pointing and shouting at Hayden. The music stopped. Hayden’s squad stood and stepped forward. Tension rose. Hayden had been outted and by the time they’d returned to Gooding, it seemed like everyone on base had heard the man was gay. It was evident Hayden’s crew had known, and they didn’t care about who he slept with. Christian wished it were that easy with everyone.
    Seiboweitz stepped forward. Christian was halfway across the bar before he realized it. He continued without stopping. Stepping in front of Hayden, Christian crossed his arms.
    “Back off Seiboweitz,” Christian ground out. He might not be willing to come out to his teammates, but that didn’t mean he could let Hayden face things alone.
    “I don’t need defending,” Hayden protested.
    “No, but he needs to know that other people will back you up and support you,” Christian replied, not taking his eyes off from the other

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