Loneliness Trilogy Bundle Boxset

Loneliness Trilogy Bundle Boxset by Alison Cole Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Loneliness Trilogy Bundle Boxset by Alison Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Cole
Tags: Erótica
warns Marcus.
    This is our first real disagreement. We both have different views of the same situation. We don’t argue, per se, but we do fail to agree on the question at hand.
    I ponder this thought as we sit cuddled together on the couch. We’re both so stressed out and worried about our future to the extent that, when we begin to make love, we forget to use a condom. It’s only after we come that we realize this.
    “Oh, my God, Johanna…I…I forgot to put a condom on,” Marcus says.
    I have never been pregnant, so I don’t know how this works. I try to figure out my fertile time versus my non-fertile time, but can’t get the two to mesh.
    “Well, maybe nothing will happen,” I tell him. Still, rather than cuddling with him as I normally do, I get up in a fit of panic.
    Marcus sits up and I see his gorgeous, muscular chest with that colorful griffin inked into his skin. He holds his arms out to me.
    “Come here. Cuddle with me and sit upright,” he says softly. “Maybe that’ll work.”
    I return to my bed and nestle into Marcus’ side. I sigh. “I’ll think about what you said, but I can’t get past the thought that, if we’re in a hotel in, say, Washington, D.C. or New York City, we’ll be found out,” I tell him. “It’s a good thing we have a few concerts left here. We’ll get through those and I’ll think about what we discussed. Maybe we’ll come up with a different idea before we leave the U.K.,” I tell him.
    The next few concerts go really well, although I really do have to work on maintaining my focus. I catch Tim looking at me and realize I’d better get my head back on straight! From that time on, I am all present, all the time.
    After one concert, Marcus disappears around the corner from the backstage area. I see his backside vanish as he gives me a significant look. A few seconds later, I follow, with the excuse that I need to grab something I left onstage. Marcus is waiting for me. Grabbing my wrist, he pulls me to him and begins kissing me.
    “Hey, Johanna!”
    Hearing my name, I look up, only to get a camera flash full in my face. Squinting, I realize that a paparazzo caught me - with Marcus! I am livid, knowing that our secret is not far from coming out. And not just to the band…to everyone. I grab Marcus’ wrist and run.
    Marcus arranges to meet me in my flat. I get a ride home with Linny. I’m quieter than normal and he looks at me.
    “Hey, you feeling okay?”
    “Yeah. I’m fine. Just tired.” I give Linny a small grin, knowing that some tabloid - or several - are going to make my secret very public by tomorrow. In my flat, I pace back and forth, feeling awfully sick to my stomach. The feeling doesn’t go away, so I make some hot tea, hoping it will settle my tummy. Just as I carry my hot cup to the coffee table, Marcus knocks quietly at my door. Hurrying, I let him in.
    “Luv, you know what this means more than I do. Although, I think I can guess,” says Marcus.
    “That paparazzo will sell that pic he took to at least one tabloid. Our secret will be out in the newsstands by the time every bloke in England clocks in to work for the morning,” I tell him glumly. Having been the target of paparazzo for the past two years, I know the drill all too well.
    I’m shocked. It’s rare for Marcus to swear. He’s really upset!
    “I’m upset for you. I know what’s going to happen. I’ll get it too, but you’re going to get it much worse,” he predicts. Instead of staying at my flat that night, he leaves. Neither one of us is in the mood for lovemaking tonight and my stomach is still oddly upset even after we talk. Taking an anti-acid, I shower and go to bed, hoping that this is all just a nightmare.

    The next morning, I present myself as usual at the studio as we prepare our music for our U.S. tour. Walking in, I grin and wave at Tim and Linny, who are both holding…newspapers! Oh, my God, they know!
    My gaze moves from the papers to Tim and

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