Lorraine Heath

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Book: Lorraine Heath by Sweet Lullaby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sweet Lullaby
his horse up beside Rebecca’s, not wanting her to face her father’s wrath alone.
    “Dammit!” Anderson’s face reddened and the veins in his neck threatened to explode as he glared at Jake. “Dammit! You son-of-a-bitch, I didn’t give you my daughter so you could take her away! I’ll have this marriage annulled.”
    “That’s going to be a little hard to do,” Jake said calmly. “Considering she’s carrying my baby.”
    Anderson took a step towards Jake, controlled rage evident in his voice. “That baby is not yours.”
    “Can you prove it?” Jake asked.
    Rebecca felt the warmth spread throughout her heart. He was claiming the child as his even before it was born.
    Anderson glared at his daughter. “Get down off that horse, girl. You’re not going anywhere. I’ll get you an annulment. I won’t make you marry anyone. We’ll put it up for adoption when it’s born.”
she thought,
As though the child wasn’t already flesh and blood growing inside of her. Tears brimming in her eyes, she shook her head.
    “Dammit, girl. I raised you to take over this ranch when I died. I won’t have all my hard work go to nothing. You’re my daughter and you’ll do what I say!”
    “She’s my wife and she’ll do what she wants.”
    The words were wrapped in compassion and understanding,a gift Rebecca accepted into her heart. Her gaze met Jake’s and she recognized all that he was offering beneath the words. She had but to dismount and he’d ride away, leaving her his name.
    “I’m going with Jake.”
    Anderson reined in his anger, his blue eyes assessing his daughter as he laid down his final card. “Leave with him, Rebecca, and I’ll disown you. You’ll be dead to me. You’ll never know my love again, girl.”
    “Your love, Daddy? Is this love talking now?”
    “I only want what’s best for you, girl.”
    “And I want what’s best for my baby. I’m going to Texas with Jake. We’re taking my cattle and the horses you gave us. When the time comes, I’ll let you know if you have a grandson or a granddaughter.”
    “Don’t bother. I’ll never recognize the child or any that comes of your union with this man.” He nodded towards Jake. “You’re a fool, Rebecca Anderson.”
    “The name is Rebecca Burnett. And I think, Daddy, that you’re the fool.” She gave the man she had loved for twenty-one years of her life a last look before turning her horse and galloping out of his life.
    Jake followed her, and when the house was no longer in sight, he reached over and grabbed the reins of her horse, pulling them both to a halt. He dismounted, then walked over and pulled her off her horse, bringing his arms around her as she sobbed against his chest.
    “Oh, Jake, why is the whole world turning ugly?”
    “Not the whole world. Just a few people, a few moments. I reckon we need the ugly to appreciate the beauty.”
    He wiped the warm tears rolling down her smooth cheek with his thumb. Her skin, unlike his, was flawless, and her blue eyes, hurt and confused, overflowing with tears, were looking up at him.
    “You can stay, Reb.”
    “I know. But I’d rather go with you.”
    He pressed his lips to one swollen eyelid and then another. “I’ll never hurt you the way he did. I swear it.” His lips followed the trail of tears until they reached her mouth.He opened his mouth over hers and she welcomed him, needing his closeness. The kiss was not passionate. It did not take her breath away or make her tremble with desire the way Brett’s had, but instead filled her with a sense of security, a sense of belonging, of being important to one human being. All the things her father had taken away from her, Jake was giving back.
    He rubbed her cheek, his smile sincere. “I think it’s time we headed for Texas.”
    He helped her mount her horse and when he had mounted his own, she reached over and squeezed his hand.
    “I think I’m going to like being your wife.”
    He leaned over touching one corner of

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