Lorraine Heath

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Book: Lorraine Heath by Sweet Lullaby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sweet Lullaby
her small smile. “I never want you to regret it, Reb. We’ll make it a good life.”
    As they began their journey, Rebecca didn’t look back. Her future lay ahead with the man riding beside her. In such a short time, her world had been shattered. But beside her rode a man who would help her rebuild it with love and trust and sacrifice.

    Texas, 1883
    L ADENED WITH SUPPLIES , the wagon creaked as it rolled over the fertile land. Jake halted its progress, set the brake and jumped down, then walked out past the horses.
    Rebecca knew he was anxious about the land, about coming to Texas knowing as little about the place as he did. The closer they’d come to arriving, the less he’d talked. They’d discreetly left camp as the sun peered over the horizon because Jake wanted to see his land without the other men milling around.
    She watched now as he removed his hat, looking out over the rolling expanse of green that was visible for miles, clumps of trees dotting the landscape. She saw his back straighten with pride and knew, even though she was only staring at his back, that he was pleased with what lay before him. So she was quite surprised when he turned around and she saw all the doubts plaguing his face.
    “It’s not much—” he said, as he began walking back towards the wagon.
    “I think it’s beautiful,” she said.
    His face broke out into the biggest grin she’d ever seen. “It is, isn’t it?”
    “Help me down, Jake, so I can set foot on your land.”
    He plopped his hat back on his head. “No, ma’am. I’ll help you down so you can set foot on
    He placed his hands on her expanding waist, lifting her down to the ground. She leaned back against him and his arms came around her, drawing her close.
    He pointed towards an oak tree, its branches uplifted and spread wide, the dense greenery providing shade to the earth beneath it. “I figure we can build our first house beside that tree there. It’ll be a small house, probably just one room so we can get it up quick. But later, later I’ll build you the kind of house you deserve. And over there, we’ll build the barn and corrals. And right there I want to build a windmill.”
    “A windmill?” she asked. Windmills were a rare sight in the West.
    “It’ll help us pump water into the house and if we build the well deep enough, we should be able to keep our stock watered during dry spells. And over there,” his arm swept in a semicircle, “we’ll build a bunkhouse and a cookhouse. Hell, eventually we’ll have everything we need.” He placed warm lips against the back of her head. “It’s going to be good here, Reb.”
    Placing her hands over his and giving them a squeeze, she knew in her heart that he was right.
    Two men guarded the cattle that were released on the open range, while the other men built a hasty corral for the horses. Then they began building the one-room house where Jake and Rebecca would live. Where eventually, she would undoubtedly give birth.
    As the days passed, she watched their progress, giving little aid except to bring them water and assist the cook they’d hired just outside of Kentucky.
    From time to time, Jake would leave the men, slip his arm around her and ask her a question about the house. Where did she want the windows, the fireplace, the door? At night, their pallets laying side by side, they’d talk about the ranch. What he wanted it to be. Their relationship had remained chaste. In the open air, with seven cowboys and a cook along with them, little opportunity had existed for intimacy. Jake seemed content with their relationship,which more closely resembled that of two age-old friends than that of a husband and wife.
    But each day, she felt her feelings for this man becoming deeper. His kindness was unlimited, not only to her and the men, but to the animals as well. She watched him now as he directed the men’s efforts. With any luck the house would be completed in the next day or

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