Love Bite (Just One Bite #1)

Love Bite (Just One Bite #1) by Kay Glass Read Free Book Online

Book: Love Bite (Just One Bite #1) by Kay Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kay Glass
early to make sure she attended every
single prenatal appointment. Diandra had several sonograms done to make sure
the baby was growing properly. Lizbeth held her hand and both women cried when
they saw the image of the baby on the screen for the first time. They talked
about it a few times, and they decided not to find out the sex of the baby.
They agreed that it would be wonderful to be surprised when the big day came.
Over dinner in the evenings they debated over baby names, sometimes choosing
bizarre names just to make the other laugh.
    So while they still
slept in separate bedrooms the women grew closer each day. A gentle intimacy
settled between the pair, occasionally spiced with passionate kisses and gentle
caresses over their clothing. Diandra backed away before the encounters between
them could grow any more heated. Part of it was guilt, although Jonah had been
gone nearly six months. The largest hurdle was her own body- she was
embarrassed by the weight she's gained during the pregnancy, no matter how many
times Lizbeth assured her she was both beautiful and radiant. She was already a
plus- sized woman- the pregnancy merely enlarged every part of her body. She
couldn't shake the image in her head, and her self- esteem was at an all- time
low. She knew most pregnant women felt good in their own skin, but that
certainly didn’t apply to her.
    Lizbeth got
home promptly at six that night, exhausted from wrapping up a difficult case.
She had visions dancing in her head of an early dinner, a long, hot bubble bath
and a full night's sleep. All her thoughts scattered once she unlocked the
front door and stepped into the foyer. The scent of vanilla hit her first,
wafting up from the fat pillar candles on the floor. She followed the path
through the parlor and up the spiral staircase. At the top there were two paths-
one led to her room and the other to Diandra's. She spotted a note hanging from
a beam a few feet from her own bedroom door.
reached up to remove the note from the string that secured it to the beam. It
simply read, “Go to your room first.” Curious, she shrugged but opened the
door. On the bed sat a box, another note attached to the top. When she picked
up this note, she noticed it smelled of Diandra's favorite perfume. She inhaled
deeply before reading it, all the tension draining from her body at the
familiar scent. “Use the contents of this box and come to my door.”
    Intrigued now,
she opened the box and gasped. Nestled in lavender tissue paper was a lacy
negligee with matching thigh high stockings and garter belts. The outfit was
the same shade of sky blue as her eyes. Lizbeth hastily slipped out of her work
clothes and slid into the soft material, thankful she had shaved her legs that
morning. Considering, she opened her closet and removed the heels she'd bought
on impulse last week. The midnight blue stilettos perfectly complimented the
negligee. She slid her hose-clad feet into the shoes and secured the jeweled
straps around her ankles. Running a brush through her hair, she then hurried
down the hall, not noticing in her haste that the breeze of her passing blew
out a few of the candles along the way.
    Lizbeth opened
the door and took in the scene in front of her. The sleigh bed was made up with
black silk sheets, red rose petals decorating them like random drops of blood.
A low, bluesy number drifted through the room from the sound system in the
corner. She heard the bathroom door open behind her. When she turned, Diandra
stood in the middle of the bedroom floor, naked and proud. She tossed back her
flame-colored hair and said, “I decided if I dressed I might back down again.
Instead I decided to wear nothing. Come here.”
nothing, Lizbeth walked across the room. Reverently she stroked the back of her
hand down Diandra's face all the way to her hip. Leaning in, she kissed the
unpainted lips before her. A little moan escaped her as Diandra nipped her
bottom lip lightly with her

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