things bothering me,” said Angie. She wished that was the only thing bothering her. It wasn’t the unknown person who vandalized the library that occupied her dreams last night. That honor went to one Sheriff Lucifer Fitch.
Her dreams had started out pleasant and nonsexual, but very quickly they turned vividly erotic. They had been so real. Even after she woke up, she could still feel his hands and lips on her body. And when she laid back down and closed her eyes, the dreams started again.
For the first time in her life, Angie took a cold shower, hoping it would cool down the desires raging through her body, but the shower had given her only temporary relief. By the time she arrived at the library, not only was she tired from the lack of sleep, but her body was on fire again.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” asked Teri.
“I’m fine,” said Angie as she dropped another book onto the damaged stack. She picked up her coffee mug and brought it to her lips to take a drink, only to find the mug was empty. She growled as she frowned at the mug.
“Is it empty again?” asked Teri as she put the books she had scanned into a cardboard box.
“I don’t even remember drinking this one,” mumbled Angie. She put down the mug and covered her mouth to hide yet another yawn.
“You keep that up and I’ll start yawning too.”
“I’m not doing it on purpose.” As if on cue, Angie yawned again.
“Not funny.” Teri shook her head. Suddenly, she yawned. “See what you’ve done! I’ve caught your bug!”
Angie, despite being tired, rolled her eyes. “Yawning is not a bug you catch.”
“Tell that to the yawns that have invaded my body.” Teri dramatically waved at her whole body. “You knowingly walked into the library infected with them when you should have been quarantined for everyone’s safety. And now I’m infested with them. I hate yawning.”
Angie laughed. “If you hadn’t said anything, you wouldn’t have caught them.” She shook her head as another yawn took over. “I’m going to get another cup of coffee.”
“Just bring back the whole pot with you. It’ll save you the effort of walking back and forth every time you drain your mug.” Teri walked over and picked up another stack of damaged books and carried them over to the counter. She dropped them with a loud thump.
“I haven’t drunk that much coffee.” Angie frowned. She couldn’t remember how many cups she had drunk.
Teri raised an eyebrow. “Then why was Josh mumbling something about having to put on another pot of coffee because there wasn’t even enough left for half a mug? And that was only fifteen minutes ago.”
“I’m not drinking that much coffee.” Angie got to her feet and looked at Teri. “There’s a hole in my mug”
Teri chuckled. “Yeah. It’s the large one at the top that you used to suck the coffee out of the mug.”
“Whatever! When did Josh get here? I didn’t hear him come in.”
“If you hadn’t been staring at the wall when you drank the rest of your coffee, you might have seen him and heard him when he spoke to you.” Teri leaned against the counter.
“I wasn’t staring at the wall.” Angie shook her head in denial.
“Then you were daydreaming.” Teri’s lips turned up in a huge grin. “That must have been one hot date last night, and the sex must have been even hotter.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t have a date last night. As for the sex…no date…no sex.” Angie’s cheeks turned pink. “And if I was having sex, I wouldn’t be discussing it with you or anyone else. I’m going to get me another cup of coffee while you finish scanning the damaged books.” She spun around and almost ran into Sheriff Lucifer Fitch.
“Careful, I don’t want the coffee spilling on you. It’s hot enough to leave a nasty burn on your skin and that is not acceptable.” Lucifer held a tray of cups, with the logo of a trendy coffee shop blazed across them, away from