Luna's Sokjan (Book one)
it. The pack was
five strong and extremely young, probably around their first
change. As we chased after the young deer, I wondered, why the pack
Alpha’s had let them go hunting alone. Why didn’t they have an
alpha teaching them how to move without making noise, how to pick
their prey, or how to make the kill quick and clean? I must admit,
I was curious about what they knew. So, I had followed them. It was
the most entertaining evening I had in years. Watching them fumble
around and make the same mistakes I had made so many years ago. I
had forgotten what it was like to hunt with a pack. Knowing that
someone had your back, letting you focus all your senses on just
one thing, the prey. I had come out to the forest to run off some
steam and clear my head. I wanted to forget my last case and the
little girl with big brown eyes, who haunted my every
    The deer jumped into the
clearing. The time was now! If, the little female was going to make
her kill, this was the perfect place. The deer had just enough room
to move, and the little pack of wolves had enough room to surround
the deer for the take down.
    The female made her move,
and it was fast, timing her jump to match the leap of the deer. She
sprang up and opening her mouth wide. She bit down hard into the
right flank of the deer. I heard the bones crunch. As soon as they
felt back to earth with a loud thump, the female let go of the leg
and leapt for the throat. It was all over in a matter of seconds,
and her first kill was done.
    This little female had all
the makings of being a skilled hunter and a strong alpha. What a
shame that I would never get to see it. With a sigh, I jumped up
into the nearest tree and walked out on to a low limb to stretch
    When they shifted back to
human form, I studied the little pack. Michael was a tiny kid with
reddish brown hair, with striking green eyes, making him terribly
cute, and he was the smallest of the males. Ryan had a slime built,
black hair with white streaks and his young pale face held big
black eyes. Ben was the largest male, also the unspoken leader of
the pack, and was going to be a heart stopper with brown hair and
eyes. The last male was Ethan, he was well built, black, brown mix
hair, and his brown eyes were kind looking. Jennifer, the little
black wolf, was a pretty girl around twelve with black hair as long
as mine and her brown eyes seemed sad.
    The little group joked and
kidded with one another over mistakes made during the hunt. They
were experiencing the rush one got from hunting. I loved the rush I
got just before a kill, the taste of blood in my mouth when I bit
into the prey’s throat. I was a hunter, a true predator, and I
loved it.
    I flipped my white tail
and absent mindedly as I rubbed the side of my face against the
limb of the tree. Breathing deeply, I took in the scents around me,
the crisp smell of blood and death from the deer, the earthy smells
of the forest, and something else. The new smell was strong, feral,
powerful, and it was getting stronger. I sat up quickly scanning
the area carefully trying to locate the owner and direction of the
smell. The next thing that happened took the young wolves and even
me by surprise.
    Two creatures crashed out
of the trees and into the clearing. One was a colossal humanoid
beast standing close to fifteen feet tall, with a wide, flat nose
across its broad face. A large mouth with boar like tusks jutting
from it and the creature’s long hair hung in dirty clumps around
its long, pointed ears. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was a forest
troll, and its roar of fury froze the young ones in their
    The other beast was a
perfect blend of a black wolf and man, a werewolf in warrior form.
My warrior form is close to ten feet tall, but this monster was
over thirteen. He bared his massively long teeth in a snarl at its
opponent. His hands were the size of hubcaps and dripped with
blood. The creature’s amber glowing eyes watched its
    The werewolf

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