Magic at Silver Spires

Magic at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Magic at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Bryant
with us in Italy to recuperate.”
    I tried not to shout. “But I can recuperate at Silver Spires! Or even if I recuperate in Italy, why can’t I come back to Silver Spires next term?” I knew I was sounding desperate, but that was because I was desperate. “I mean, think about it, what if you two were both away on business and I was at a school in Italy and I had a terrible accident? You’d still have a great long journey to make.”
    â€œWe have all the family in Italy, Toni. Nonno and Nonna, your uncles and aunties. There will always be someone to look after you. We are a close-knit family. We look after each other. That’s what families are about.”
    I didn’t know what to say to that so I just stared at him, and the look I got back said, I’m not changing my mind . But surely he didn’t understand how important Silver Spires was to me.
    â€œMy school is like my home, Papà!” I said, raising my voice again.
    â€œYes, it is a very caring community, I agree,” he said calmly.
    â€œAnd what about my friends? What about Nicole, my best friend? I can’t leave Nicole.”
    â€œNicole and your other friends can come to visit us in Italy, cara ,” said Mamma in her gentle voice.
    â€œIt’s not the same. The friendship won’t be the same if I only see them once a year or something. I don’t want to lose Nicole.” I could feel myself getting close to tears.
    â€œYou won’t lose Nicole, but you will gain other friends,” said Mamma.
    â€œWe’ll find you another perfect school in Italy,” said Papà.
    I felt myself kind of shutting down. I wanted to block my ears like I did when I was a child and an older boy in the playground used to tease me with talk of slimy frogs and toads because he knew it made me feel ill. I hung my head.
    I didn’t care about any stupid Italian schools. All I cared about was Silver Spires.
    â€œWe know it’s hard to make changes,” said Mamma, “especially big ones like switching schools. But once you’ve got used to the idea you’ll be fine, because although you can’t see it now, it’s all for the best.”
    â€œBest for you . Not for me,” I said flatly.
    â€œNo, we’re thinking about all of us, but especially you.” Mamma reached for my hand. “You were happy to have us here with you yesterday when it was your operation, weren’t you?”
    I nodded forlornly, because that much was true. I had been pleased to see them. Obviously. They’re my parents.
    Papà suddenly stood up and spoke briskly. “We have an appointment to see Ms. Carmichael and Mrs. Pridham now, Toni. We’ve already explained our feelings briefly to Ms. Carmichael, but there are things to finalize.”
    â€œYou have to give a term’s notice anyway, so you can’t just take me straight away!” I said in a bit of a screechy panic.
    â€œWe’re going to pay for the term,” said Papà firmly, “but you won’t be staying to complete it. I’m sorry, Toni, the decision is made, and one day you’ll realize it is for the best, even though, as Mamma says, you can’t see it now.”
    He paused and gave me a kind look, but I couldn’t take a kind look from such an unkind person so I looked away and listened to his horrible words going on and on.
    â€œBy the time we’re back, hopefully the doctor will have seen you and we’ll collect you and take you back to the hotel. You’re not allowed to fly for at least two weeks, so we’ve booked the train for Thursday. That will give us time to get all your things from school packed and you’ll able to say goodbye to your friends…”
    My eyes filled with tears and Mamma gave me a tight hug, then stood up. “We won’t be long, cara ,” she said in a shaky voice, as Papà beckoned the nurse over and had a quick word with her, which

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