Manipulating Mikey (First Wave Book 8)
healing, so you should be fine in a few hours,” Lauren assured
    She’d used her own unique ability
to scan his body and knew that the only medical issues he had now were
regarding who and what he was. Since no one else seemed inclined to do so,
Lauren decided to begin explaining to him about his lineage.
    “Did you just put a band aid on a
bullet wound?” Mikey asked in shock as he looked at the small strip on his calf,
thinking it was a joke.
    Lauren sighed and rubbed her
    This is going to be a long day , she

    Mikey paced the room and shook his
head, still trying to grasp what the beautiful doctor had tried to explain to
him. It was all a little too much to take in, much less take seriously. But it
also made too much sense for him to ignore.
    “I’m a freak . . .” Mikey muttered
to himself while the beautiful doctor studied him beneath her long, dark
    “You’re different. You are
definitely one of us; you have the beast which is passed down from our fathers.
It’s your mitochondrial DNA which is odd,” Lauren said.
    Mikey ran a hand over his head in
    “Great, so you’re saying I’m a
freak among freaks. This just gets better and better,” Mikey muttered,
wondering what was next.
    Am I going to sprout horns or crave
human flesh? He wondered sardonically.
    Lauren laughed and put some images
on the wall.
    “We’re not freaks, and neither are
you. Here,” she said, pointing to a colorful image on the wall. “These markers
here are common markers in the mitochondrial DNA of our other hybrids. But
yours, is missing those markers.”
    Mikey stared at the wall, trying to
understand what that meant.
    “This means my mom was a freak?” he
asked, tilting his head to look at the colored dashes on the wall, hoping a
different angle would help him understand it.
    Lauren tried to give him her best
irritated look but ended up smiling at the charming soldier.
    “Would you stop with the freak stuff
already? And no, it doesn’t mean your mom was a freak either. What it means is
she didn’t have these markers. Which means . . . I haven’t got a clue yet,” she
admitted, looking up at him with a grin before her face fell.
    Wondering what caused the change in
her, Mikey turned to see the large, angry man who carried him into the medlab
with the ex-SEAL standing behind him.
    Mikey refused to cower now that he
was feeling a little better and more grounded than he had in a while. He stood
and held out his hand to the intimidating man.
    “Thank you for getting me out of
there. I know I’m not the person you were looking for, and I’m grateful you did
what you did. If I can help you find the guy you were there for, I’ll tell you
anything I know,” Mikey offered, feeling he owed them big time.
    Grai gave his hand a quick shake.
    “I’m Grai T’Alq. I was there
looking for my brother, Koda. He was flying the ship that apparently crashed
into you. Do you remember anything?” Grai asked, hoping the entire mission
hadn’t been for nothing.
    Mikey sighed and rubbed his hand
down his face as he tried to remember what happened that day.
    “Sarge and I had just come down the
embankment from the road. I saw a UFO go right over us, but Sarge couldn’t see
it. He threw rocks at it and felt the heat and wind of it though and knew it
was there. We followed it towards the forest floor, then all hell broke loose.
There were UFOs and helicopters having a firefight right there above us,” Mikey
said, seeing it happen again in his mind as if it were yesterday.
    “Then what?” Grai encouraged.
    “The UFO was hit by an RPG from one
of the choppers, and it was heading right for us. It seemed like it was in slow
motion for some reason, and I saw something shoot out of it seconds before the
ship exploded. Then Sarge and I were hit, and I woke up in that hellhole,
strapped down while they tortured me about . . . you guys. They thought I
infiltrated the military and

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