Manipulating Mikey (First Wave Book 8)
was reporting to you,” Mikey explained, telling
them everything he knew.
    Grai looked over at Lauren and she
nodded her head at him.
    “I was just telling him that he is
one of us. His mitochondrial markers are unusual, but he has a beast. I’m
running his DNA for familial matches now,” Lauren told Grai.
    Grai nodded at Lauren before
turning back to Mikey.
    “The thing you saw come out of the
ship, what direction did it go in?” Grai asked, positive that it was the escape
pod that Koda had tried to use after setting the detonator on the decimator
    Mikey thought hard about it and
closed his eyes to try and see it again in his mind.
    “East. Definitely north east. But
it broke up again,” Mikey replied, seeing the pieces in his mind.
    “What do you mean it broke up
again?” Grai demanded.
    Mikey opened his eyes and looked at
the intimidating man.
    “I could be remembering it wrong,
but I swear I saw a big piece of it break off and hit the ground while the rest
of it continued out of sight,” Mikey said, trying not to give him false hope.
    Grai turned to look at David, his
eyes silently asking him if it was possible that they missed it.
    “Anything is possible,” David said
with a shrug of his shoulders.
    Grai turned to Lauren.
    “Can he withstand Blade?”
    Lauren held up her hands, turning
    “Hold on there! He’s barely
recovering from what they did to him and you want him reaped?” Lauren accused,
putting herself in front of her patient.
    Grai folded his arms across his
chest and stared down at the doctor.
    “I didn’t say I wanted him reaped!
I wanted to know if he could share the images of his memories with Blade,” Grai
    Lauren huffed in outrage.
    “It’s the same damn thing! No
matter how you say it, there are dangers to him because he’s not bonded with
his beast!” Lauren argued, trying to convince herself she was only protecting
her patient.
    Mikey slid off the bed and moved
from behind Lauren. He wasn’t going to let a woman fight his battles for him,
especially not this one. For whatever reason, he felt an urgent need to protect
her, and he moved to stand in front of her.
    “I don’t know what reaping is, it
doesn’t sound like too much fun either, but it’s the least I can do for you
after you saved me,” Mikey offered, hoping to end the tense situation.
    Grai nodded his head sharply in
thanks as another man made his way into the room.
    “He’s got you on speed dial? What
the hell, Grai?” Lauren demanded as Blade came into the room and stood in front
of Mikey.
    “Lauren hush! I’m not going to reap
him, just look at the pictures as he remembers. So chill,” Blade said as he
grinned at Mikey. “Seriously, that’s all I’m going to do. It won’t hurt at all.
Just relax, close your eyes, and try to remember everything from the beginning
so I can ride the memory, OK?”
    Mikey nodded even though he didn’t
understand what any of them were talking about. He turned to Lauren when he
felt her move out from behind him, and he smiled at her as she gently pushed
him to sit back on the bed.
    “Take a deep breath, close your
eyes, and don’t fight it,” Lauren said, her concern evident in her voice as she
took his hand in her own.
    Mikey nodded, squeezing her hand
gently in reassurance. His last image as he closed his eyes was of her
beautiful eyes before he started remembering everything from the moment they
left the car on the side of the road. He felt the prodding in his mind and
tried to relax as he felt someone inside his head with him.
    After he replayed the memories in
his mind again, he felt a pop in his mind before he opened his eyes and looked
around at the expectant faces.
    Blade shook his head to clear it
before turning to Grai and David.
    “He’s right. The pod broke up, most
likely due to the percussion of the blast. We found the shield, but the rest of
it continued much farther and must have landed elsewhere. He could still be

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