Manipulating Mikey (First Wave Book 8)
    Mikey nodded. He’d completely
forgotten he’d been shot on the roof. Either he was in shock or just in awe of
the place and the beautiful doctor. He watched David walk out of the door
before he turned to the doctor.
    “Where am I?”
    Lauren chuckled and moved closer to
the bed her patient was sitting on.
    “Half the time I don’t know myself.
But today is your lucky day. We’re at a base in Texas. Not a military base like
you’re used to though,” Lauren said as she tried to keep her mind on the
scanner and not the handsome hybrid soldier in front of her.
    Her first look at him had surprised
her in more ways than one. He was undoubtedly attractive. At six foot four, he
was well muscled, but not overly so. His black hair was cropped in a standard
military fashion, like most of the hybrid men wore, but his hair was so dark
and his eyes so blue that it was a startling contrast. There was a small hazel
dot that she had seen in his eyes before she’d looked back at her comm to start
the scans on him.
    What surprised her was her reaction
to him. She’d immediately felt a pull towards him that she’d never experienced
with a patient before. Even after stepping away from him as she scanned him,
she could feel her energy drawing her closer.
    Mikey wanted to get her to look at
him, needing to see her eyes again.
    “How do you know what I’m used to?”
he asked, leaning down to try and see her face.
    When she finally looked up at him,
he felt like he’d been punched in the stomach. She was the most mesmerizing
woman he’d ever seen. If she was what the enemy used to get information, he was
a goner.
    “I’ll tell you anything you want to
    Mikey didn’t realize he said that
out loud until he heard her laughter, and he blushed a deep red.
    “Don’t be embarrassed, I can tell
by the scans you were put through a lot, and it probably seems like heaven
here,” Lauren said, trying to ease his embarrassment.
    Mikey nodded, his embarrassment
fading as he thought about the last few weeks.
    “They’re my people, my commanding
officers, our government . . . I just don’t understand it. I told them what I
knew, which was nothing,” Mikey admitted.
    Lauren shook her head as she
studied her comm and the results coming through from her scans.
    “You aren’t their people. You’re my
people—well our people. You’re a hybrid like me. There are a lot of us here,”
Lauren explained, wondering what he knew about himself.
    “What is a hybrid?” Mikey asked,
hoping she knew something that the military doctors didn’t.
    I’d really like to know what the
hell I am , he thought.
    Lauren whistled softly.
    “You don’t know anything do you?”
she asked, wondering how he could not know he was different.
    Mikey threw his hands in the air
and snorted.
    “Finally! Someone gets it! I don’t
have a clue what the hell is going on. All I know is I’ve been infected with .
. . something, and the military had no idea you could be infected. I was hit
with the flaming ship in the forest, then infected—” Mikey said before Lauren
placed a delicate hand over his lips to silence his rambling.
    Her scent was lovely, and Mikey had
to stop himself from rubbing his face along her hand as he stared into her
pretty eyes, mesmerized by the tumultuous green swirls that danced inside them.
    “You weren’t infected. You were
born this way, just like the rest of us were. Which means that your father was
either an outpost survivor or a hybrid, and your mother was gifted or hybrid.
We’ll know as soon as the DNA scans are complete,” Lauren said, removing her
hand from his mouth. She’d been far too tempted to caress his cheek to ease his
concerns and make him feel better.
    Lauren leaned down and pulled up
the leg of the hospital pants he’d been given to wear when they’d released him
from the restraints at the fort and placed a mediband on the already healing
    “The bullet went right through, and
it’s already

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