Marriage Seasons 03 - Falling for You Again

Marriage Seasons 03 - Falling for You Again by Gary Chapman, Catherine Palmer Read Free Book Online

Book: Marriage Seasons 03 - Falling for You Again by Gary Chapman, Catherine Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Chapman, Catherine Palmer
of accomplishment and gratitude. God has blessed us, Esther. Why can’t you remember that? We’ve got a nice house, enough money, good friends, and plenty to eat. Our marriage has been wonderful, and I’m happy we took the path we chose. I don’t regret a thing. Do you? Can you honestly disagree with anything I just said?”
    Esther gazed at Boofer, who was happily sniffing around the flower bed. The lawn was already brown in patches. The impatiens and begonias had begun to get leggy. It wouldn’t be long before the first frost would turn them into piles of green mush. Esther ought to get out and tie up the chrysanthemums. They were beginning to flower and get too heavy to hold their heads up.
    Was that how she would end her life? Drooping her head until finally she turned into a pile of mush? Esther could vaguely remember when budding mums had filled her heart with bubbles of joy. The first cold autumn breeze made her laugh out loud in relief at the end of another long, hot summer. She had savored the changing leaves, the smell of chimney smoke, the promise of snow.
    Now all she could think about was steering her car past the birdhouse and the tree trunks as its hood flopped up and down. She remembered the look on Cody’s face when she pushed her way out of the steaming car, its horn blowing so loud she couldn’t hear herself think. She recalled the hospital, people in wheelchairs, the odor of antiseptic.
    “Oh, Charlie,” she said, leaning into him. “When my car flew off the back of the carport, I feel like I landed in another world. Suddenly life seems so serious to me. No, that’s not right. Death seems serious. Life seems trivial. I can’t make myself care about anything. Why have I spent time and money getting my hair done every Friday? Why did I think a Labor Day barbecue was important? Why have the colors of my outfits mattered so much to me, Charlie?”
    “Because those things are all part of who you are. You like sunflowers. Purple is your favorite color. You’re talented at organizing parties and picnics. You get huffy if I dare presume to mismatch your shirt and your slacks because you take pride in your appearance. And I’m glad you do.”
    For the first time since the accident, Esther felt a smile tickle her lips. “I guess I do still care about that, after all.”
    “And we’re both getting pretty tired of me burning the beans and leaving lumps in the mashed potatoes. You still care about eating a good meal, don’t you?”
    “I suppose so.”
    “It’s all just life, honey.” He slipped his arm around her shoulders and helped her climb the steps onto the porch. “Barbecues, dogs, good food, and sunflowers are part of life, and that means they matter. God wants us to serve Him, but we’re to take pleasure in our world too. Even the hard parts—Ellie in trouble, Charles’s wife having miscarriages, your accident—those things are part of life too. Now, let’s get back to enjoying it together; what do you say?”
    Esther watched Boofer race ahead of them and stand at the front door, his tail wagging his entire body. She grinned. “You sure are wordy for an old man,” she told Charlie, giving him a coy glance. “Sometimes I think all you do is talk and eat.”
    At that, he reached down and gave her backside a gentle swat. “I’m good for a lot more than that, sweetheart. And you know it.”

    Carrying a piping hot tuna-noodle casserole up the Moores’ front walk, Patsy Pringle spotted three figures crossing the street toward her. Although the brisk wind chilled her bare legs and tossed the ruffled hem of her skirt, Patsy paused to wait for them. In a moment, she recognized Jennifer and Jessica Hansen, accompanied by Cody Goss.
    “Hey, Patsy!” Cody called out. “We’re bringing supper to the Moores. Lasagna!”
    “Lasagna?” Patsy rolled her eyes. “Oh, for pity’s sake, I thought it was my day to bring a meal. Isn’t this Friday?”
    “Today is Saturday, Patsy!” Cody

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