Mastered by His Touch-Complete Box Set

Mastered by His Touch-Complete Box Set by Skylar Cross Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Mastered by His Touch-Complete Box Set by Skylar Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skylar Cross
Tags: adult erotica
curly hair cut short with a five o'clock shadow. But the other gave me goosebumps.
    It was Red Crew-Cut.
    "Kiri," said Barbara, "these men are from the FBI. I already checked their badges."
    "I'm Agent Henderson," said Red Crew-Cut. "This is agent Tonelli."
    "Can I see your badges?" I said.
    "I told you, Kiri," said Barbara. "I already checked them."
    "I'd like to see for myself if you don't mind, Barbara," I said.
    Barbara squinted at me as both agents showed me their badges. They were official. I recognized them from training.
    "Miss Thanwarattanamangkul," said Red Crew-Cut, now Agent Henderson. "I hope you don't mind if we ask you some questions."
    He got the Thai pronunciation perfectly. Everyone calls me Kiri Than because they can't pronounce my last name, but it's apparently not a problem for this guy.
    "May I use your desk?" he said to Barbara.
    She was clearly not happy about it, but she said "Yes."
    He sat in her chair.
    "Please sit," he said while looking at me.
    I sat down nervously. I felt H's key move in my bra. I crossed my legs. My hand went up and played with the cheap chain I wore around my neck. I realized I was sweating. I rocked back and forth in the chair a little.
    Agent Henderson took out an iPad Mini and scrolled through a few pages.
    "It has come to our attention," he said, "that there are some criminals operating here in Boston. They are running some sort of operation and we are trying to identify them."
    He looked at me. His blue eyes were cold and calculating. I didn't trust what I saw behind them.
    "May I ask what I have to do with this?" I said, shaking a little.
    "The persons in question open up safe deposit boxes as part of their scheme," he said.
    My heart sank. I felt a pressure whirling around me. The room spun a little then stopped.
    "Into these safe deposit boxes," he said, "they place a large amount of money. I won't bother you with the details but by doing so they gain accomplices on the inside of banks, who unwittingly help them to rob the bank."
    "How do they do that?" said Barbara.
    "It's complicated," said Agent Henderson. "In the interest of the security of our investigation, I cannot divulge their modus operandi at the present time but suffice it to say that it involves gaining the trust of somebody who works at the bank."
    "You need to trust me, Kiri! Give me your hand!"
    I felt nauseous. Could H be a bank robber? No, the thought repulses me. It's impossible.
    "I'm going to show you a picture of the people we are looking for," said Agent Henderson. "Now I want you to be completely truthful when I show them to you. We need to know if you've seen them here in this bank."
    "Of course," I said.
    I was out of ideas. I didn't know what to do next. When he turns that iPad around and H's face is looking back at me, how will I be able to lie and say I've never seen him? It would be impossible. Not to mention that Barbara and the entire bank has seen him.
    So why single me out? Why bring me in here alone into the office? Does he know I have the key? What the fuck?
    I held my breath as he turned the iPad around.
    On the screen were two people. One was a man in his sixties with white hair and a big white mustache. He smoked a big cigar while wearing a Panama hat and a flowered shirt. Not Horace Willoughby.
    The other person was a woman. Latina. Gorgeous. About forty, wearing a red slinky dress and a big white hat standing on a dock somewhere. Definitely not Horace Willoughby.
    I breathed a sigh of relief. The world righted itself again. I felt a flood of relaxation spreading downward from the top of my head. I even almost smiled, but caught myself.
    "No!" I said, a little too proudly. "I haven't seen either of those people."
    Agent Henderson tapped the screen. Two more images of the same people appeared. Different

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