Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)

Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online

Book: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
myself planted in my chair.
    “So, where did you live before the church shed?’’ he asks me as we walk back to Joan’s. I thought I had gotten out of all the questions when we left the pub. Obviously I was wrong.
    “You decide to ask a reasonable question now? You’re not going to ask me how many people I’ve slept with or if I’ve ever been given an S.T.D?”
    “That’s a bit personal, Lake,’’ he tells me sheepishly.
    “Are you serious? You asked me my bra size and if I liked giving head,’’ I snap.
    “Yeah, those are reasonable questions. I like to know what I’m working with and if I’ll be getting head,’’ he tells me straight-faced; not an ounce of amusement evident in his expression.
    “You’re a jerk,’’ I snap.
    “So...’’ he trails off then sighs when I don’t speak. “Come on, where did you come from?’’
    “My mother’s womb.’’
    “Fuck you’re hot, but seriously, answer the question or I’ll get a mate of mine to do a background check on you,’’ he teases. My back straightens and I hurry a few steps ahead before turning and stopping in front of him. I push him back a step and he looks at me wide-eyed.
    “If you ever, and I mean ever, get someone to look into me, I’ll have your balls for breakfast. And if that isn’t enough to stop you, then I’ll cut your dick off and make sure it hurts.’’
    “I think the balls did it,’’ he winces. “Why all the privacy and avoiding my questions?’’
    “I lived in Endington,’’ I half lie. It’s not where I’m from but it is where I stayed before I moved here. Running farther and farther from my life back home took time. I’m currently five hours away from my hometown and with each town I got to, my heart broke a little bit more and in replace was a void I had built.
    “See, was that so bad?’’ The teasing in his voice lightens the mood again and I turn to carry on walking.
    We arrive just at the Carter’s house when Max stops me, grabbing hold of my arm. I growl wanting to get out of the rain –  it’s been bad for a few days, but today the storm seems to be getting worse.
    “What?’’ I ask, looking at his hand holding my arm.
    “Where are you going?’’
    “Um, Joan’s?’’
    “Nuh huh, we’re going to Denny and Mason’s.’’
    “Hey, let go,’’ I yell when he doesn’t let go of my arm and instead drags me towards Denny and Mason’s.
    “No, I know what you’re going to say and what you’ll do if I let go and I’m not listening to your bullshit excuses. Plus, everyone wants to meet you.’’
    I pull with all my might, finally getting free. I stumble for a second but catch myself from falling and as I turn to run, strong arms wrap around my waist, stopping me. He lifts me up, throwing me over his shoulder and I scream at him to put me down. I threaten bodily harm but he ignores me and my fists that are currently pounding on his back.
    I hear a door open and the chatter of voices, but as soon as we get closer all conversation comes to a halt. All the blood has rushed to my face but even if I wasn’t hanging upside down, I’d still be bright red right now.
    “Is there a reason you’ve kidnapped Lake?’’ a deep voice asks.
    “She needs to socialise. Some fucker at the church planted money in her pocket. Joan’s sorting it out,’’ Max answers and I cringe. Now they’ll all going to think I’m a thief. It’s only right. I’m homeless for fuck’s sake. Who else would they blame? Everyone at the church is going to think the same too.
    “Well, that explains why you’re here and not there,’’ another deep voice rumbles, walking in behind us. I lift my head, but all I manage to get a look at is black boots and a pair of strong legs.
    “Who would do that?’’ Harlow gasps. I’ve spoken to her a few times so her voice is one I recognise. She’s pretty freaking cool if you ask me and, shit, she’s fucking pretty too.
    “My guess? The bitches who were giving her

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