Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)

Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
shit this morning,’’ Max shrugs and my body bounces from the movement. I stay silent, too embarrassed to speak, and silently I curse him to put me the fuck down.
    “Let me guess, Jessica and her little dolls?’’ Kayla speaks, her voice soft. If anyone knows what they’re like it’s Kayla. She’s had to listen to their shit for nearly as long as me.
    She hasn’t been working a lot, though, since she lost her best friend. Joan filled me in, but even if she hadn’t, everyone at the food bank had been gossiping about it. You can still hear the sadness in her voice from losing her. I’ve spoken to her a few times about her, wanting to support her, but mostly, with a hidden agenda. She’d been coping extremely well, all things considered, and I wanted to know her secret, but alas, there is none.
    “Yeah those,’’ Max says.
    “Sounds like something they’d do,’’ Kayla agrees, her voice laced with venom which shouldn’t shock me; she’s spoken out for me a few times. Still, being even a little hard-toned doesn’t suit Kayla in the slightest.
    “Is there a reason you’re still holding Lake?’’ the deep voice from behind speaks again and I silently thank him. I’m starting to feel sick and I’m about to warn Max but he interrupts, his voice causing me to shiver.
    “Shit, forgot you were there, sweet cheeks,’’ Max chuckles then slaps me hard on the ass and I squeal in pain. When he slides me down his hard body, I’m in two minds, but I go with the most hostile because I think the alternative, which is rubbing myself all over him, would cause mixed signals. I push him back, giving him a glare and narrowing my eyes. He gives me a wink, but I carry on glaring. I’m about to storm out of the door but I’m stopped short by running into a hard body. I look up and the older brother, Maverick, looks down at me with a kind smile. I have to say it’s a much better greeting then the hostile one I received at the station a few weeks back. But still, the older brother still unnerves me.
    “You joining us?’’ he asks and I shake my head. He’s really good looking. Not Max good looking but he has this bad boy, mysterious vibe going on that you can’t help but be drawn towards. I’ve seen him a few times over the past few weeks, but now I realise I had seen him before but hadn’t been paying much attention. He would help with the deliveries at the food bank sometimes for Joan.
    “I...I...’’ I stammer.
    “Of course she is,’’ Max interrupts.
    “Yay! I’m so happy you’re feeling better. Joan said to give you time to settle in and get back on your feet before we could come and see you. Plus, she didn’t want us all catching the flu,’’ Kayla smiles when I turn back around.
    “This here is Mason; that goof is the ugly twin, Myles; that grumpy fucker is Malik and you’ve met Maverick, the one behind you. The hot blonde one is Denny, this hot one is Harlow, and you already know Kayla. Oh, and she’s hot too. The only one you need to know is this little princess, Hope, she’s beautiful,’’ Max tells me, introducing me to everyone.
    I watch in fascination as Max picks up the most beautiful little girl in the world. She gives him a toothy smile and smacks the building block on his mouth. He just laughs and nuzzles his face into her neck, blowing raspberries. This is not the Max I’ve come to know. This is... this is just puzzling. Never, and I mean never, would I have pictured Max to be like this with children. He seems like the type to run away and hide from a kid.
    “Hey,’’ I wave shyly at everyone, yet my eyes can’t leave the sight of Max holding the cute little girl. She’s giggling uncontrollably and I find myself smiling with her. It’s infectious.
    “Lake,’’ Kayla’s loud voice makes me jump and I look to her and shake my head. I have to fight the urge to look back at Max. It’s bizarre seeing him with that baby. As if the good looking git needs to be more

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