MC: Callahan

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Book: MC: Callahan by L. Ann Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Ann Marie
fish. He gets along with everyone. He even had Tiny laughing.
    “You don’t talk a lot like Sandy and the Club kids,” Jason says.
    I’m surprised. “I say what I need to get my point across. Did you want to talk about something?”
    He shakes his head no. “Sometimes people talk too much. We have to listen to everything, stories over and over, who did what over and over. Sometimes it just nurses.” The little boys nod with weary expressions, like it’s been rough.
    I smile. “Nurses?”
    Ricky laughs. “Leslie wouldn’t let them say sucks, so I gave them another word that wasn’t so offensive.” He’s proud of himself.
    I laugh thinking of Leslie’s face when he came up with that one. “Nurses sounds like a good alternative.” He nods with his eyes shining. I think I already love this kid. I’ll miss him when he moves in with Sally and Doc.
    Patches comes for the little kids and Sandy. Darren comes to the door for Sheila and Ricky. They walk down to the front gate to wait for the bus.
    I get my butt in gear so I can make it to the shop. The new girl, Heather, is working afternoons and I need to have everything priced for her to get it on the racks. It’s going to be busy and I can’t for the life of me figure out why I’m smiling like a loon. Nurses...I laugh.
    *  *  *

    I meet Danny, Bob, and VP at Security, then Driscoll is driving us up to New Bedford in an SUV. I’m too big to sit in the back. Bob complains about being in the way back. Danny tells him that’s always the seat for the youngest. They’re all laughing. I guess it’s an inside joke; since no one explains it, I just watch the road.
    “Geek’s got them at a motel, two per room. Not tryin’ to be quiet, don’t give a fuck they hear us comin’. Tiny and Danny, Bob and I. Kick the door, Driscoll’s payin’ when we go in. Need ‘em to know why they got the fuck kicked out of ‘em.” He looks at all of us. I nod and turn back to the road.
    “They left Racks under a fuckin’ truck; we need to torment them like they did him. Fuckin’ four against one, he’s lucky he didn’t die or go into a coma under that truck,” Danny says. I look back. He’s pissed. When I look at VP and Bob they’re pissed too. VP has the dead eyes, he’s red.
    At the motel we go to the doors; they’re side by side. VP stands at one. I’m at the other. On his one we kick them in. The pussies are still in bed. One reaches for the nightstand. “Please pick it up so I can shoot your fuckin’ ass right off the bed,” Danny says, aiming for the guy’s ass.
    I grab the other and drag him out of bed, putting him up against the wall by his neck.
    “Four pussies put hands on one of ours. Let’s see how you do one on one. Get out of the fuckin’ bed.” Danny is still pointing his gun at him.
    The pussy rolls out of bed and looks at Danny. “Awful big talk when you have a gun on me,” he says, sounding like he’s still drunk. I loosen my hold on the pussy against the wall and watch Danny. He unloads his gun and puts it back in his holster, dropping the bullets into his side pocket. The pussy I’m holding tries to move, so I put more pressure on his throat so I can watch Danny beat the fuck out of the moron thinking he’s got a shot.
    “No gun now, hot shot, now what?” The guy moves to tackle him. Danny flips around and watches the guy hit the desk and chair. “That looked painful.” The guy growls standing slow. He’s got blood dripping from his head. Danny pulls gloves out of his pocket like he has all the time in the world. I’m smiling until my pussy against the wall starts moving. I look at him and loosen my grip. He sags in relief. I didn’t realize he was ready to pass out. I look back at Danny and laugh when the pussy charges him again just to hit the wall.
    I look at my pussy. “Tell me he’s not the fuckin’ brains of your operation.” He just looks at me.
    I go back to watching Danny. His guy is making a fuckin’

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