McKenzie, Cooper - Her Knight in Dusty BDUs [Men Out of Uniform 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

McKenzie, Cooper - Her Knight in Dusty BDUs [Men Out of Uniform 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Cooper McKenzie Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: McKenzie, Cooper - Her Knight in Dusty BDUs [Men Out of Uniform 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Cooper McKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cooper McKenzie
he reached her ass, he patted one cheek gently.
    “Why don’t you have any tats or piercings?” The question rumbled through his chest to her cheek.
    She did not even bother to lift her head as she asked, “How can you do that?”
    “Do what?”
    “Ask questions that require me to think and form words? I’m laying here completely boneless with about three brain cells that haven’t fried, and you’re asking questions about body art?”
    His chest moved under her cheek as he shrugged. “I’m curious. I mean, you don’t even have pierced ears.”
    Eden lay quiet for an endless minute before whispering, “I’m scared of needles.”
    Bailey didn’t say anything. His hand started back up her back, then down, stroking her, comforting her without saying a word.
    “I blame it on my father and Pogo.”
    “Pogo was an old mutt my parents had had forever. When Adam and I were four or five, Pogo got hit by a car and had to be put to sleep. Please understand, my father wasn’t a cruel man, just overly realistic in his views of life. He decided we needed to learn about death and dying, so he made us go to the vet and watch as the vet put Pogo to sleep. Ever since then…”

    * * * *

    “You’ve been afraid of needles,” Bailey finished for her.
    “Even to the point that when the doctor has to take blood or give me a vaccination Adam has to go with me and hold me down.”
    “But you have a tattoo parlor and piercing studio in your shop. Quite the contradiction, don’t you think?” Bailey wondered if she knew how courageous she was.
    “Not really,” she said. “It made sense, and Crow said he didn’t want a whole store for himself, just a room to work from, and I had that. I’m also hoping that by being around them and seeing them regularly I might get over the innate knowledge that needles mean death.”
    Bailey took a deep breath and released it on a sigh as he felt his cock twitch and start to throb again with renewed interest. “That’s very brave of you.”
    Eden shrugged but did not respond. Obviously, she did not think so.
    Wrapping his arms around her, one around her shoulders, the other around her hips, Bailey rolled so she lay on her back and he crouched over her. Lifting his head and upper body, he looked down and met her wide-eyed gaze as he pulled his arms from under her.
    “If I was with you to distract you, do you think you could let Crow pierce this?” He reached up and pinched her left nipple, causing her to squeak as the nipple stiffened.
    He found himself holding his breath as Eden automatically shook her head. Then she stopped and studied him for a few seconds. “Can I think about it?”
    He nodded. “I think that might be a good idea. Right now, though, we need to get out of this bed before we spend the whole day here.”
    Eden smiled as she arched her back and rubbed her breasts against his chest. “Would that really be so terrible? I haven’t ever spent the whole day in bed before.”
    “Another time, sunflower,” he said, gently pulling his half-hard cock from her pussy.
    Before she could complain, he did several quick pushups. At the bottom of the down stroke, he brushed the front of his body against hers, first left and then right. On the last one, he kissed her lips before pushing himself to roll sideways off her body, across the bed where he landed with his feet on the floor.
    “Come on, sweet Eden, let’s get a shower, and see what the rest of this day holds,” he said. He scooped her up off the bed and into his arms before turning and walking to the bathroom.

    * * * *

    “Don’t you have to go to work or report or something?” Eden found herself asking two days later as she wandered the store, checking inventory and ordering lists against what was on the shelves.
    “Um, well, about that,” he said as he settled into the tall director’s chair behind the counter.
    Eden’s stomach knotted and the muscles across her shoulders tightened in preparation

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