Me & My Boyfriend
back out. Hearing his Motorola Two-Way pager buzzing, he continued on.
    After paging him didn't work, she then decided on calling his phone, knowing he would hear it. Black had one of those cell phones that when it rang, it said “Incoming Call”. Ten rings later and still nothing. Brandy and Black lay next to each other smoking herb.
    Figuring it was Meesa, he didn't answer. He didn't know how tell her things were becoming too serious for his comfort. Black felt that things were moving too fast. Relationships scared him more than dying, the constant being together thing was starting to suffocate him, so he dodged her whenever he could. Three and a half hours had passed and Black never returned any of her calls.
    Needing something to help deal with the pain, she walked around the corner. The corner store with the bottle of gin was her salvation. The hurt was that deep for Meesa. Solving her problems with liquor wasn't Meesa's thing. But tonight, she needed something more powerful than any human being. Back in the silence of her apartment, she unplugged the phone. Laying in the middle of the living room she slowly drank. Hoping thethoughts she had would disappear. Of course, they didn't, it only made the situation worse. Meesa drank faster, spilling some on herself, she didn't care.
    Numbness filled her, she liked this place she thought. The gin had finally taken its effect and Meesa loved it. The hurt and the loneliness she felt was too much for her. Black was the first man she ever loved. It hurt her even more to think that he didn't love her. She was alone and was used to it.
    Even after her mother's passing, she still had Destiny. But Destiny was in her own world dealing with Daryl. They hadn't talked in over a month. Meesa called her, but Destiny never called back. Daryl told Destiny that as long as she was his woman, she wasn't allowed to fuck with Meesa. The rest of her friends were off limits as well. Blindly in love, she did what she was told. Daryl took care of her and she loved him for that. She needed him and the attention he gave her. No one had ever taken care of her the way Daryl did. There had been plenty of men who bought her things before, but Destiny had lucked up on the night she met Daryl. The boy was large, and doing the damn thing. He had so much money that he could buy any and everything he wanted, she wanted, and what anybody else wanted too. For the first time, Destiny was living like she always thought she should. Nothing or anyone was going to take that away from her. So, if she had to give up her friends for a slice of the American pie, then so be it.
    Meesa had never gotten so drunk before. She lay curled up on the sofa with the bottle of gin. Old tears dried up on her face. She was out like a light.
    Figuring he should show his face, Black stopped by the next morning. Knocking on the door he got no answer. Knowing she had to be at home, he used the key she had given him. Opening the door, he saw Meesa lying on the sofa. As soon as he walked in, he knew something was wrong. Meesa barely let anyone sit in her living room. So her sleeping in there signaled troubled. Black walked over to her. Calling out to her did nothing. So he shook her, becoming frightened. A minute or two passed and shefinally awakened. Not knowing what was happening, she looked around the room trying to contemplate what happened. Black's voice was echoing in the air. She tried her damnest to focus her eyes on him, but the room was spinning. Meesa placed her hands over her eyes and tried to concentrate. Looking up at him, she kind of felt bad. Black had a real concerned look on his face, but that passed quickly. All the repressed feelings she had came flooding back.
    “Meesa, can you hear me! Answer me, can you hear me!” Trying to stand up was a task all in itself. Black helped her up. She still didn't answer. It felt like a ton of bricks were falling on her. Holding her head, she tried to regain composure.
    Black stared at

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