Me & My Boyfriend
her with a confused look on his face. Damn, I should've called her back. What if somebody came in here last night and tried to hurt her. He knew he wouldn't be able to forgive himself he thought. That was until he looked down and saw an empty Seagram's Gin bottle.
    Picking it up he asked. “What the fuck is this shit?”
    Still not trying to hear him, she walked to the bathroom. Splashing water on her face, she hoped it would help her wake up. It worked. After drying her face with a towel Meesa, looked in the mirror. The person staring back looked a hot mess. Her hair was all over her head. Usually her skin was glowing, but it now looked weak and pale.
    Crust was all in her eyes from crying. Normally, she would feel self-conscious about Black seeing her like this but hell, what the fuck, it was over between them anyway.
    “So, this is what love does to you?” She asked herself. Not wanting love to win, she mustered all the courage she had. Feeling a little better, she was revived and ready for battle. Still feeling woozy, she paced herself. Slowly she walked back into the living room.
    “Answer me Meesa, what are you doing with an empty gin bottle? You don't even drink!” Black yelled, starting up again.
    “Are you really sure you want me to answer that?” She asked, trying to burn a hole in his skull with her eyes.
    “What in the fuck kind of question is that? I come in to find your ass knocked out cold on the couch! Drunk as hell and you got the nerves to ask me do I want an answer! (Pissed off he threw the bottle of gin at the wall.) Be for real Meesa.” He angrily yelled.
    Meesa laughed at his dramatic act. Trying to intimidate her wouldn't work this time.
    “Be for real huh? So you want real? Okay then, so where in the hell was your ass last night Black?” She yelled back.
    Not wanting to answer, Black sat still and looked around the room trying his damnedest to avoid her eyes. Wondering if he should tell her not.
    “What, cat got your tongue nigga? Now you answer that question for me.” Meesa asked, with a smirk on her face.
    “Why all of a sudden you can't return my phone calls Black? Let's talk about that! We don't spend any time with each other any more! You stay out all night and then have the audacity to come and see me the next day! You act like nothing is wrong and shit! Nigga, you must think I'm crazy or something! Do I have the word stupid written across my forehead! No, I don't think so! I know that you are out in the streets cheating on me and shit!” Calming down, she spoke calmly and so he would understand. “If you don't want to be with me Black than that is okay. I was cool before I met you, and now I'm cool on you.”
    Not knowing what to say or how to feel, he sat in silence. Turning her back on him she went and got a huge garbage bag. Stuffing it with every item he had at her house. Every name brand outfit he had left, shoes, jewelry, and presents he bought her.
    Tears streamed down her face as every moment they shared was staring her right in the face. Holding her head down, shetried to conceal the tears that were pouring out of her. She handed Black the bag. Taking it, he still sat and wondered if he should apologize. Black didn't know if he should stay and try and work things out with her. Meesa took the silence as a sign of not caring.
    She asked, “Why?”
    “Why what?” The asked uncertain.
    “If you knew that you didn't want to be with me, why didn't you just come out and tell me Black? I mean, I actually thought that you were different.” Seeing the tears sliding down her beautiful face, Black felt ashamed for the wrong doings that he many times justified.
    “Look at what we've become, hell, at what I've become. Last night happened because I love you.” There, she had said it finally. A burden was lifted at that very moment. Black figured she did, but never knew for sure. Now thinking back, how couldn't he have known? She always looked out for him. Always wanting to please

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