Meet Mr. Prince

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Book: Meet Mr. Prince by Patricia Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Kay
life?” And Georgie had laughed and retaliated, saying she hadn’t said a thing about going without sex, that she intended to have plenty of lovers.
    Now why on earth had Joanna’s comment about Zach made her think of that conversation?
    â€œSpeaking of scenery,” Georgie said, “how’s your romance going?”
    â€œChick’s wonderful,” Joanna said dreamily. “Oh, Georgie, you should try it.”
    â€œTry what?” But Georgie knew.
    â€œBeing in love. There’s no feeling like it in the world.”
    Later that night, as Georgie slathered moisturizer onher face in preparation for bed, she thought about her conversation with Joanna again. She was glad she hadn’t confessed the momentary attraction she’d felt toward Zach, especially since soon after that she’d discovered he was married. Georgie knew it wasn’t uncommon to be attracted to people who were out of bounds. Shoot, she wouldn’t be human if she could turn off physical reactions the way you turned off a TV remote. Still, the memory of her involuntary physical response to Zach’s smile continued to plague her even after she’d climbed into bed and turned off the bedside lamp, because it had been such a strong response, the likes of which she hadn’t had in a long time.
    Her last thought before drifting off to sleep was that tomorrow she would redouble her efforts to be a perfectly controlled, perfectly businesslike employee. And hopefully, her future assignments would keep her well away from the office…and from Zachary Prince and his damned smile.
    â€œYou look beautiful, as always, Corny.”
    Cornelia kept her voice light as she answered, although the expression in Harry’s dark eyes unleashed some unwanted butterflies. “Always the flatterer, aren’t you, Harry?”
    He smiled. “I mean every word. No one would ever believe you’re sixty-six. Why, today you don’t look a day over forty.”
    â€œOh, please,” Cornelia scoffed. “Don’t exaggerate. Fifty maybe. But forty?”
    â€œYou’re more beautiful now than you were as a young girl,” he insisted.
    The two of them were having a late lunch at a charming lodge-type restaurant out near the Hunt mansion. Itwas a typical Seattle winter day—cold and gloomy and threatening rain at any moment—but the lodge had a cheery fire going in their big stone fireplace, and Harry had secured a table close by the inviting warmth. And, of course, Cornelia had ridden to their lunch date in comfort and style, because Harry had sent Walter, his long-time driver, to pick her up in the Lincoln Town Car.
    â€œYou don’t look so bad yourself,” she said with a chuckle. “For a seventy-two-year-old man, that is.” Harry was still as tall as he’d been as a young man—topping six feet four—with the hawklike features and thick hair that had always been the standard by which Cornelia measured other men.
    He laughed. “You just couldn’t resist letting me know that I’m an old geezer, could you?”
    â€œYou know I was teasing you.”
    His smile faded, and he reached across the table to take her hand. “Were you? Maybe you really do think I’m too old.”
    Cornelia’s wayward heart betrayed her at the look in his eyes. What was happening here? she wondered. She was afraid to hope. For so long, she’d hoped to no avail. She couldn’t go through that again. She’d been disappointed too many times. “Too old for what, Harry?” she said carefully.
    â€œToo old to try again.”
    â€œTo try what again?” Cornelia wasn’t going to make anything easy for him. Not after what he’d put her through.
    â€œYou’re going to make me beg, aren’t you?”
    Cornelia refused to look away. Instead, she met his gaze squarely. Almost defiantly.
    â€œBeg for what, Harry?”

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