Midnight Rescue: A Killer Instincts Novel

Midnight Rescue: A Killer Instincts Novel by Elle Kennedy Read Free Book Online

Book: Midnight Rescue: A Killer Instincts Novel by Elle Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Kennedy
he seemed, as if he could spring on you at any second, explode at the slightest provocation.
    But Jeremy had trusted him, and she trusted Jeremy’s judgment. Morgan might not be a close friend—she didn’t have any of those—but he was, at the very least, an ally.
    “I don’t need to be taken care of,” she grumbled, frowning at both men. “And I don’t appreciate being pumped with sedatives. You know how I feel about drugs, Jim.”
    “Deal with it,” he said, rolling his eyes. He moved toward the bed, his gaze sweeping over her bruised face. “How are you doing?”
    “I’m peachy. You know a few cuts and bruises aren’t going to keep me down for long.”
    He laughed. “No, I don’t imagine they will. So… Noelle, huh? You didn’t mention you worked for her the last time I saw you.”
    She gave a little shrug. “I know you don’t like her. You would’ve just lectured me.”
    Kane watched the exchange with interest, his head swiveling back and forth to gauge her and Morgan’s expressions.
    “Yep, you’d have received a lecture. Like the one you’re about to get now.” He cocked his head. “Why were you in the prison, Abby? We both know you’re too good at what you do to blow your cover.”
    She didn’t answer. Force of habit. Both Jeremy and Noelle had drilled the importance of secrecy into her brain, and besides, she didn’t want to involve Morgan in this potentially suicidal mission. She was the one who’d chosen to tangle with Blanco and Devlin, and she’d be the one to rescue those girls. She’d always worked best alone, and she might be a coldhearted bitch at times, but she refused to see anyone she cared about get killed becauseshe’d decided—foolishly, probably—to undertake this crusade.
    “Trust me, you don’t want to know,” she finally said, her voice soft. “I don’t want you involved in this, Jim.”
    Morgan sighed. “I’m already involved.” He paused, giving her another chance to open up. When she didn’t, he frowned, then turned to Kane and said, “We’re leaving in ten minutes. Get her ready.”
    Abby stared after Morgan in distress as he stalked out of the room. She shifted her gaze to Kane. “I’m not going anywhere,” she insisted, panic rising up her spine.
    “I don’t think you have much choice in the matter,” he answered wryly. He approached the bed, bent down and planted a hand on her waist. When she swatted it away he chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to jump you.”
    “I don’t want you touching me.”
    “Fine.” He straightened his back. “Serves me right for trying to be a gentleman. Get up.”
    “You obviously don’t need my help to do it. So come on, on your feet. We’re heading out.”
    “You say that as if I’m going somewhere.”
    “You are.”
    “I told you, I’m not going anywhere. I don’t work for Morgan, so I don’t have to follow his orders.”
    “Well, I do.” He flashed a charming smile, which she suspected would make most women swoon. “So stop being so damn difficult and get up.”
    She stuck out her chin. “No.”
    He swore under his breath. “Come on, help me out here. I’d really hate to injure you any further by dragging you out of here by your hair.”
    She rubbed her swollen cheek, wondering if Kane would shoot her down if she tried to escape. Probably. Besides, getting out of this safe house would be a total bitch. Maybe she’d have better luck if she tried to bolt when they were on the move.
    Yeah, probably a better plan. She’d play along with him. Get up. Follow him to wherever it was he was taking her. And grab any opportunity for escape before they reached their destination.
    Drawing in a long breath, she swung her legs to the side of the bed and reached for the headboard again. She blinked, but the stars flashing in front of her eyes didn’t dissipate.
    No. Don’t pass out. Stay alert, Abby.
    Nausea scampered up her throat. She tried to take a step but her body protested

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