Mine to Lose

Mine to Lose by T. K. Rapp Read Free Book Online

Book: Mine to Lose by T. K. Rapp Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. K. Rapp
shenanigans, I was
able to shoot out a few emails and finally got a hold of Mr. Miller about his
corporate event. He responded and informed me that my contact, Sandy, was no
longer employed with them. Until he finds a replacement, I’ll have to send
everything to him, but he seems pretty agreeable to everything I’ve sent so
far. I’m happy that I can show up to work this morning and report to Elle that
everything is going smooth with the client.
    “How did your weekend go?” Cam asks when
she passes my desk.
    “Started out shitty,” I say looking at my
screen before facing her. “But it ended up pretty good.”
    “So you finally talked to him?”
    “Yeah,” I admit. “We had a good talk. We
haven’t figured everything out yet, but at least we’re both trying.”
    “Good,” she says as she takes a seat. “So
what did you call so late for?”
    “Shit,” I chastise myself, “I’m so sorry.
I meant to call you Saturday and tell you about it. But Ryan was there, and it
was a little hard to talk. Long story short?” It’s rhetorical, so I continue. “Went
home, Ryan was there; we left. Went with Joss to a club- got drunk, danced,
Ryan showed up and took us home.”
    “How did he know you were there?”
    “Sometime that night, Joss either called
or texted and told him where we were.” I shrug because I still haven’t talked
to her to find out what happened, but she probably doesn’t remember anyway.
    Cam laughs as I recount the evening but
seems more satisfied that Ryan and I are communicating. She hasn’t met him yet,
but I think she might be our biggest fan. “Are you two better now?”
    “Getting there,” I add. “He wants me to
fly out to San Diego with him this weekend to help him find an apartment.” The
thought of him leaving physically hurts me.
    “Of course you’re going, right?”
    “Yeah, we’ll head out on Friday. We spent
yesterday looking at some places online, so he’s narrowed it down to a few.”
    Cam is quiet when she returns back to her
work and I can only imagine what she’s thinking. At twenty-six, she’s already
been married and divorced; I don’t know the circumstances under which her
marriage ended. As I’m about to start making some phone calls, she speaks up.
“Em, I really hope that you and Ryan do everything you can to make it work. If
you try and fail, at least you know you did everything you could. There’s
nothing worse than living with the fact that you know you gave up too easily.”
And just like that, she dives headfirst into work.
    I’m stunned into silence, because I know
there is more to that statement than she’s saying. Maybe someday she’ll trust
me enough to share, but I won’t push her. I have work to distract me from my
fears and concerns, and for that, I am grateful. The phone rings just in time
to snap me back to reality.
    “Elle E. Grant Events, this is Emogen.
How can I help you?”
    “Just who I was looking for,” the strong
voice announces on the other end of line. “This is Trey Miller. We’ve emailed a
few times over the weekend.”
    “Hello, Mr. Miller,” I respond, frazzled
as I try to pull his file out of my bag. “I was just going to call you about
some of the venues I have found for your event.”
    “That’s great.” His voice is muffled as
he speaks, as though he’s covering up the receiver. I assume that he’s talking to
someone near him, which gives me enough time to open the file so I’m prepared.
When he speaks again, his voice is clear as he turns his attention to me. “Listen,
Emogen, I have a couple more that I’d like to take a look at. I’ll be out of
town this week, but can you meet with me next Thursday?”
    Without even a quick glance at my
calendar, I know that I’m not free, that’s my last day with Ryan before he leaves
for good, and I’ve already taken the day off. “I’m sorry, I’ll be out of the
office. How about the following Monday?”
    “That’ll be fine.” He sounds irritated

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