Miss Jane's Undoing
their lower halves were still submerged.  He lifted her effortlessly and sat her on a rock at the edge of the stream, a position from which he could still stand in the water and kiss her and touch her and drive her crazy with passion.  Jane felt that she could take it no longer.
    “Now, please,” she said softly in his ear.  “Take me now.  I want to be yours.”
    Those words were enough for Tommy to comply and wrapping her legs around him as she sat on the bank, he entered her slowly.  Given the intensity of all her other feelings, Jane barely even noticed the slight pain of losing her maidenhead.  It was gone in a moment and Tommy was cradling her face and asking her if she was all right.  She nodded and he started moving within her, slowly but firmly.  One hand lent support to her back while with the other he continued to stroke her breasts.
    Jane didn’t understand the sensations that were overtaking her.  At the same time she felt pleasure, she also craved something more, something deeper.  And with each stroke, she felt herself getting closer and closer to that thing.  Finally, it burst within her and she looked up at Tommy in amazement, as the person who had brought her to this climax.  Tommy waited until the contractions inside her had subsided, then slowed his rhythm a little, causing her to start building up again.  Jane didn’t think it would be possible quite so soon but the pleasure of feeling his hardness inside her and his arms around her was sensation enough.  She was wrong though, in assuming that her body would be satisfied with the one orgasm for, with Tommy’s deft maneuvering, she felt her back start to arch again as her body tensed for the next wave of sensation.  This time, the buildup was longer but the end result was far more satisfying, coming as it did at the same time as Tommy’s release.
    She collapsed along the bank of the stream, exhausted and exhilarated, the man she loved by her side.
    “Well, Miss Fielding,” said Tommy, “Are you ready to give up your swashbuckling pirates and evil dukes and live a staid life as a politician’s wife in London?”
    “Hmm,” replied Jane, “I’m not sure Mr. Bailey.  Perhaps we can meet here by the stream tomorrow and you can persuade me that that would be in my best interests?”
    “It would be my pleasure,” said Tommy, “to persuade you of the correctness of your decision tomorrow and the day after and the day after that, until the end of our lives.”  And his lips came down on hers.

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