Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)

Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Flowers
in the hallway with another man, whispering. His muscles are taut and his hands are clenched. I take this time to study his backside. He really is the perfect specimen. Now, if I knew why he wanted me and why I am starting to fall in love with him, that would be a plus. How can I love someone who I still haven’t ruled out as being a killer? As if sensing me, he looks over his shoulder. Wait, were his eyes just red? I take a step back into the room. I see him close his eyes and shake his head. When he opens them again, they are back to normal. Were they red? Or was I seeing things?
    As he walks toward me, I start to run back into the room. Where the hell am I going to go? I run toward the other side of the bed and stop dead in my tracks, almost running into him. How did he get in front of me?! “What is going on here?! What are you?!”
    “It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you,” he says as he takes a step toward me. 
    I back up. “No! You tell me what the hell is going on here!”
    He takes a deep breath. “You’re not going to believe me...but here goes. I’m a very powerful Immortal.”
    “What, like a vampire?” I bust out laughing. Ok, maybe I am losing my mind.
    “No, I don’t drink blood. Think of me as a warlock that can’t be killed very easily. I have a heightened sense of sight, smell, and hearing. Pretty much all the pros of being a vampire...without all the cons. We are the Godgels Immortals. Our ancestors were the children of demigods and angels.”
    “Prove it,” I say, crossing my arms.
    He turns his palm up and a tiny flame appears. I reach my hand above it and feel the heat. This can’t be real! I grab a piece of paper off the nightstand and place it to the flame. It catches fire. I quickly throw it down and stomp it out. He then closes his hand and reopens it. The flame is gone. I grab his hand and still feel the warmth, but there are no burns or blisters.
    “I told you I am a very powerful Immortal. You have seen me flash, but I can show you that again, if you like. You have also experienced being transported through a portal. That’s how we got you here so fast.”
    He then disappears from in front of me and I feel a hand on my back. I jump and turn to see him. “I didn’t want to tell you until you trusted me. But I let my anger get the best of me and I’m sorry.” He looks down and shakes his head.
    “Is that why I feel safe with you? Do you have some kind of spell over me?”
    His head shoots up and his face is contorted in pain. His voice is a whisper when he says, “No, I don’t use my powers on you. The pull we feel towards each other is something else entirely. I’m not sure because I have never been around anybody this has happened to. What I’m trying to say is that I believe you are my soul mate...the first human/Immortal bond that I have knowledge of.”
    “So because of some Immortal bull I am stuck here?” I don’t want to hurt him more, but it isn’t my fault that I am his mate...if that is even true.
    “I have you here so I can keep you safe. If anybody hears what you are to me, they would try to harm you to get to me.”
    “Are there other types of Immortals?”
    I can tell that he is getting annoyed. “Yes, there are. Demons, some witches, vampires, shifters, demigods, angels, and Oracles are some types.”
    “Wait. Vampires do exist? How come I have never come in contact with any Immortals except you? What is an Oracle?”
    “Yes. Vampires are real, but history exaggerates their power. The sun can kill them, that much is true, but they are only slightly stronger than humans. They don’t have any powers except compulsion. They are a type of lower-level demon.” He looks at me like he is deciding if he should say what he is about to. “You have met a demon before. You just didn’t know it.”
    “What? When?”
    “Mike, from the bar, was a demon.”
    “How did you know about Mike? Now I’m really glad I didn’t go home with

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