Mixed Blessings

Mixed Blessings by Cathy Marie Hake Read Free Book Online

Book: Mixed Blessings by Cathy Marie Hake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathy Marie Hake
route and have an answer back in a couple of days, but since things will get sticky, I’d rather spare the boys a second blood draw and have all of the specimens go through the full battery.”
    â€œIt sounds to me like you still aren’t convinced there was a switch.”
    Peter frowned. “On the contrary. As far as I’m concerned, doing the lab work is a mere formality. I always thought Luke looked like my wife until you came along, Marie. Now I know he has to be yours. The similarity is stunning—just like the match between Ricky and me. Even a fool could plainly see whose child is whose.”
    â€œBut everyone else will demand proof.”
    He nodded. “This week we’ll all have to get to a lab, but for the sake of streamlining things, I’m going to assume our suspicions are a confirmed fact.”
    â€œOkay.” Her hand shook as she poured the orange juice. “I’ll have the doctor call in an order to the lab. Ricky and I can go after work on Monday.”
    Peter had thought about having them all go in and getting the blood drawn at a clinic today, but he could see that wouldn’t be wise. He’d rattled her badly enough yesterday, and he still had something on the agenda that meant more to him at the present. He cleared his throat.
    â€œDid you need something?”
    â€œAs a matter of fact, yes. I want to spend the weekend. I went crazy without Ricky last night.”
    Marie gave him a stricken look. “You can’t get possessive like that, Peter.”
    â€œHe’s my son, Marie.”
    â€œAnd Luke is my son.” Marie could see the strain in his eyes. She drew in a deep breath to steady her nerves and whispered a quick prayer for wisdom. She wanted her voice to stay strong, even though everything inside quivered like pudding. Quickly, before her words would quaver, she shoved his glass at him. “It’s practically tearing me apart, but I’m trying hard not to make any demands and to be scrupulously fair.”
    â€œI think you ought to come live with me.”

Chapter Four
    H er own glass slipped from her fingers and shattered on the floor. Marie ignored it as she gaped at him.
    â€œDid you cut yourself?” Peter carefully walked on the clean spots between the glass and juice. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her onto the counter.
    She practically shrieked, “Live with you?”
    â€œYes. You’re a mess. Swing around here and put your feet in the sink so you can rinse the juice off of your legs and feet.”
    Stunned, Marie sat there and looked at him as if he’d suddenly sprouted cloven hooves. “I can’t live with you!”
    â€œMarie, take care of your legs, then we’ll see to the other issues. Where’s your trash?”
    She mutely pointed at a cabinet. Turning around, Marie followed his suggestion and put her feet in the sink. Rinsing off took no time at all, but she sat on the counter and stared at the water as it cascaded over her feet. Clearly, Peter Hallock wasn’t going to be a take-things-slowly kind of man. He blazed his own path; she carefully considered and weighed her options. That personality difference wasn’t going to make coping with the situation any easier. Lord, this would be a great time for a miracle. If You’re not dispensing those, then that wisdom I just requested? Please double it and add on a side order of patience!
    â€œAre you okay?”
    His concern jarred Marie out of her prayer. She turned off the water. “I’m fine. Please hand me a towel.”
    He tossed a dishcloth to her. “There you go.” Gingerly, he picked up large shards of glass and put them in the trash, then sopped up most of the remainder of the mess with a few paper towels. “Your floor is going to be sticky.”
    â€œI planned to mop it today, anyway.”
    â€œI’ll mop it.”
    â€œNo, thank you.” His offer surprised

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