Morgan's Surprise

Morgan's Surprise by Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online

Book: Morgan's Surprise by Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon
covered. The potent combination of adrenaline and bright, shiny attraction they’d maintained most of the evening began to fade, leaving her sleepy and malleable. He bundled her in the duvet, and she snuggled up to his chest, molding to his lap as he sat on their makeshift bed.
    With one hand, he texted the crew. The other stroked her back. He couldn’t stop touching her. She dozed by the time the guys made it to their oasis although it took less than five minutes for them to arrive.
    It seemed impossible. The evening’s exchange had transported him. Joe felt like he’d traveled to the other side of the world instead of the middle of a pumpkin patch. The experience had changed him as surely as if he’d gone on a voyage to some faraway place and he knew he’d never be the same.
    But the moment he saw the crew, it was as if he’d never left them either. They were his home, his brothers. Dave, Neil and James approached, shoulder to shoulder, with shit-eating grins stretched across their familiar faces.
    “Looks like tonight was worth the trouble.” Dave pitched his voice low enough to prevent waking Morgan.
    “You have no idea.” Joe raised her away from his chest with a grimace. Dave stepped forward to accept her from him. A few inches shorter than Joe, Dave had always been more muscular. He held Morgan as though she were light as a feather. She mumbled something under her breath then cuddled close to his friend, seeking the heat of the other man’s hold.
    “Christ, I’m starting to understand.” Dave’s gaze held a new appreciation when he experienced the full-impact of Morgan’s unqualified trust and got his first taste of the lush softness of her perfect body.
    “Let me put out the fire, then we can go.”
    As usual, the crew worked together without much instruction necessary. They assessed what had to be done and what they could each contribute to making it happen. Joe, Neil and James doused the flames in the pit and snuffed out the candles in the lanterns. They packed the leftovers into the cooler, tossed the bag of garbage on the back of their truck then hefted the mattress, blankets and other equipment in as well. In less than five minutes, they were ready to head home.
    Joe damned their efficiency.
    After one last look over his shoulder, he knelt and plucked a pebble from the dirt. He dropped it into his pocket before following his friends to their truck. James climbed in the driver’s seat while Neil angled toward the front passenger-side door. Joe caught a glimpse of Dave rocking Morgan in the back row of the extended cab so he joined them on the bench seat.

    The dome light stirred Morgan enough that she hummed and stretched, her lips brushing Dave’s neck.
    The sight of the two of them together pumped Joe’s cock hard again in an instant. She hummed at the first taste then lifted her face for a kiss, which his friend provided obligingly.
    But the moment they separated, her eyes opened. “You’re not Joe. You don’t taste like him. Or kiss like him.”
    “Neither do you.” Dave beamed down into her sultry eyes. “But I liked it anyway. Thanks.”
    Morgan patted his cheek then held her arms out to Joe. He scooted over to claim her—thrilled she needed him the way he needed her—but sat close enough to acclimate her to having a man flanking her on both sides. He could practically feel the vibrations rolling off the three other men in the truck as they observed the pivotal exchange.
    They might have doubted her, but Joe didn’t.
    Morgan wouldn’t be intimidated by their hunger.
    She would blossom under their attention, exactly as she had with him.
    “Where are Kate and Mike?” she wondered aloud as she settled against his side. Her right hand lingered on Dave’s thigh. Joe had always been closest to Dave. It pleased him to know Morgan felt so at ease with his friend. He met the other man’s stare over Morgan’s head and grinned at the latent passion lingering there.

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