Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3)

Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3) by K.S. Adkins Read Free Book Online

Book: Motown Takedown (Motown Down Book 3) by K.S. Adkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Adkins
zero sense,” I argue.
    “That a man would want to court you?”
    “Is that what this is?”
    “Jesus, ” he says sitting up and wow was he thick. “Fucking you would be easy, we’d both get off too. But I’m going to court you, so get the fuck over it.”
    Sitting up myself, I lean in so our faces are inches apart. “Then I’m going to court you too, ” I tell him proudly. Then reaching for my phone I put a note in it before setting it back down. “Care to share? ” he asks taking in my body, my face and my excitement.
    “Certainly, ” I smile in return. “I reminded myself to get a book on courting so I can do it better than you.”
    “Speaking of books, ” he says running his finger along my collarbone. “I have a library and I want you to fill it.”
    “Me? ” I ask with wide eyes.
    “You, ” he nods. “Now go to sleep.”
    “Sleep? ” I groan. “I can’t possibly sleep when you’re nearly naked and I’m making out my mental list of books!”
    “Let me guess, when you sleep you dream of books? ” he asks tucking his chin into my neck.
    “I used to, ” I admit pulling his arm around me.
    “Used to?”
    “Now I’m going to dream of you holding a book. ” His swift intake of breath made me smile. His arm tightening around me in protection made me melt and his free hand running through my hair made me sleepy. But before I fell asleep I had at least two hundred books in mind for that library.

I found her sitting on the steps staring out into nothing. She’s been withdrawn lately and I knew it was because Savage’s attentions recently went from fatherly to flirtatious.  Cinn wanted me, not him, which is why I’ve been amassing my own crew, putting plans in place to take her with me when I left. The fucking thought of him touching her had me working every angle available around the clock. She’d be eighteen soon and time was running out. If I didn’t get her out of here … “Tell me what you’re thinking about, ” I ask from several feet away.
    “You, ” she shrugs.
    “What about me? ” I ask in a low voice.
    “I’m just wondering what I would need to do to make you happy? ” I’ve read a lot of books on the subject but it’s very conflicting. Some say sex, others caregiving like cooking and laundry then some mention submission. Isn’t it a combination of all those things? I have no one to talk to about this stuff and it’s confusing. ”
    At a loss and also hard as a fucking rock, I clear my throat and tell her, “You ever have questions come to me and I’ll walk you through it. You’re too young to be worrying about that shit right now, Cinn. We’ll figure it out when the time’s right. ” When her perfect eyes light up she smiles big and says,
    “You’re embarrassed. ” She was not wrong. 
    When morning hit, parting from her was a fucking struggle. Since I couldn’t stare at her forever, I dressed and went down to the kitchen for coffee. The compound we stay in houses four of my trusted men. Four I will continue to trust until they gave me a reason not to. Two are in Savage’s den until I pull them out, which leaves Ransom and Pookie here with me. Unlike Savage, I didn’t need a hundred men answering to me daily. One man cannot control that many, a man would be foolish to try. The men in my employ have proven themselves, and in our case, strength isn’t always in numbers. I keep a small crew for a reason, convenience. Most are called as needed, staying on standby. I sure as fuck didn’t want them all crowding me, day after day. I don’t how Savage stood it and maybe that’s why he went crazy.
    Having Cinn under my roof would prove difficult for me. Where Savage was obvious about his obsession with her, killing his own men in front of her to prove a point, should that become my reality I would have to be more subtle. Cinn was bloodthirsty but she didn’t want men killed for looking. Jesus, a man couldn’t help but look and she knew it. Hell, she

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