My Best Friend's Brother

My Best Friend's Brother by MJ Thompson Read Free Book Online

Book: My Best Friend's Brother by MJ Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Thompson
her if you still feel the same even though you haven't seen her in years!" She yelled back at me.
    Matt just nods in agreement.
    "So?" I say.
    "So first thing's first, I will find out if Hope heard anything"
    "Good idea." Matt said "But then what?" He adds.
    Heather rolls her eyes as if it was obvious "Sometimes I swear" She babbles to herself.
    "We, mainly me, will help our poor stupid brother Nathan get the girl of his dreams." She says dreamily.
    Matt and I laugh at her.
    "Yeah and how you gonna do that?" Matt asks.
    "I don't know, but we'll figure something out." She explains.
    "We??" he asks.
    She smirks and nods "Yes because we both love our brother and want him to be happy  right?" She looks at him accusingly.
    "Oh yeah right." He grins.
    I roll my eyes "Don't I get a say in this?" I ask.
    "No!" They both say at the same time and begin the laugh again.
    "And what about Dean?" I ask knowing he would be a problem after all he has probably been feeling the same for about the same amount of time as me.
    Heather sighs. "Yeah I know. I feel sorry for him and all, but the truth is he stands no chance. She just doesn't like him like that." She states before adding, "I should know, I asked her more than enough times".
    I furrow my eyebrows before asking "And what makes you think she will be interested in me?"
    "Don't worry We'll speak about this again later" is all she said before leaving to go inside.
    Leaving behind a confused Matt and even more confused me.
    Now Matt and I were alone.
    "So Nate, Hope hey?" He smirked at me.
    I can see all the teasing now. God help me.
    But I still couldn't help but be happy at the thought of possibly dating Hope one day.
    I wouldn't admit it to Heather but I am glad someone is helping me.
    When I first heard Nathan's confession I was shocked.
    But soon after anger took its place.
    Shortly afterwards Hope came back and I walked her to the front door.
    I made sure to place my hand on her back and look back at Nathan who was watching us with his eyes full of jealously.
    I couldn't help back smirk as we walked through the doors back into the house.
    I didn't really want to, but I also didn't want to make Hope uncomfortable so I removed my hand soon after.
    We reached the door shortly afterwards.
    I open the door and she turned to me.
    "Thanks Dean."
    I couldn't help but smile. I love the way my name sounds when she says it.
    "It's ok. Drive safe." I say pulling her into a hug.
    She stiffed slightly but still hugged me back before pulling away.
    I knew she was probably just worried because I was her best friend’s little brother.
    But that didn't bother me, so it shouldn't bother her.
    "I'll see you another time, I really got to go now." She said as she walked towards her cute car.
    I watched her as she climbed in and drove away, waving to me as she pulled out.
    I smiled and waved back.
    I watched her car until it had totally vanished.
    I walked back into the house and closed the door behind me.
    I always felt giddy after seeing her, but it never lasted long.
    I wanted more, I wanted her.
    I walked back towards the garden where my siblings were still sat talking.
    I stood just inside the door listening to them plan.
    I can't believe they would do this to me.
    Heather knew how much I liked Hope and here she was going behind my back with my brother's planning to steal her away from me.
    I am not gonna let that happen she is mine and it's gonna stay that way.
    I stormed off into my room.
    As I lied down on my bed I knew what I had to do.
    I will make Hope realize she truly loves me and then we can be together properly and no one will be able to stop us.
    Until then I will have to try and keep Nathan away from her and even Heather if that's what it

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