My Kiasu Teenage Life in Singapore

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Book: My Kiasu Teenage Life in Singapore by Ee Lin See Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ee Lin See
letters. I don’t have much to study. I wish everyone hadn’t said it’s going to be so tough and competitive studying in Singapore. That made my dad scared I couldn’t catch up so he wanted me to go to A4. The students in A4 are not good pupils, so they don’t like studying and they’re not competitive at all. So it’s like I have no motivation to study at all.
    Niles (Pau Leen’s brother) is so cute.
    I spent about 3 hours talking with Alisa, Nancy and Jen Nee. They asked me who’s cute and I said Niles and they laughed and laughed and lost their appetite. And I told them about my crushes in BM and how I enjoyed talking to cute guys and we laughed and laughed.
    Living here is fun! School isn’t.
    Love, Pei Yi
    Friday 31 January (At night)
    Dearest Mei Yee
    This Nicole is impossible. She thinks she’s so slim and beautiful. In fact she’s so fat but she says she fits into all skirts. And she makes fun of Nancy’s weight as if she herself is so thin. She also thinks she’s God’s gift to guys. She told me ’bout this guy going to talk to her. And she said she doesn’t need to chase guys—they flock to her.
    She kept asking me, “Do you think Wei Keong notices me? Tell me all the things that make you think Wei Keong notices me.” And I would be obliged to tease her and she’d smile, pleased. Nicole is so big-headed she can’t see that I’m being sarcastic. She thinks I really am teasing her.
    Love, Pei Yi
    Friday 7 February
    Dear Mei Yee
    We’ve been talking about child abuse and it’s so disgusting! How can people EVER dig out eyes, push things up vaginas, use hammers, pliers, hot water and scissors on nipples, etc!! So sadistic!!
    We did a quiz in Teenage —“Do people really like you?” I got 5/7 and Jen Nee and Nicole got 3/7.
    Your star says this month romance is slow but it’s a great time to cultivate friendships. And mine says I’ll be especially attractive to the opposite sex!! So many nice articles in Teenage —wish you’re here ’coz I want to show you. The centrefold girls are getting uglier and uglier—back to 60’s style.
    After dinner, Jen Nee, Nicole, Alisa and I went to Coro, where I bought some things. Nicole went on the weighing-cum-fortune-telling machine and she weighed 67 kg!! She said it’s coz of her shoes! My weights was 42 kg and my fortune read: “Your pleasant manners and likeable nature win you many loyal friends.” As Nicole was walking, I jokingly said, “You are walking so provocatively!” and she started to shake on purpose! When Nicole boasts and we respond sarcastically, “Wow! Wow!”, she never realizes that we’re being sarcastic.
    At dinner, we were talking ’bout animals being tortured (eating monkeys’ brains alive, cosmetics testing) and about those cruel, low-down people who torture other human beings. I got so heated-up—I really HATE those people! And then later we talked about pariahs who molest girls and I HATE them too. Once, Alisa was in a museum, and a man leaned his front on her back and she thought there must be a crowd behind her till she turned back. Then later, the man touched her hand. Alisa scratched him with her nails! Alisa told us that in China, they used to tie people up with nets really tight. So imagine the nets cutting into the flesh until the flesh pops out of the holes of the net. It’s damn cruel. Then they slice the flesh with a knife!
    pariah a very despicable character

    All these dreadful things happening everywhere and I can’t do anything about it.
    I’m going to join SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) soon. They help to feed dogs and cats.
    Niles is so cute. I seldom see him but I did see him at breakfast today. He looks very serious. And VERY CUTE! Actually, I seldom meet any of the guys or talk to them during weekdays.
    Love, Pei

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