brother than a friend. I owed him so much. I didn’t mind if he wanted to hang out with me for a while. I could use the company.
“I talk to both the French and American Presidents,” I shrugged, no longer impressed by who I answered to. “it’s not a big deal.”
“Nice view.” My office window looked out into the vast vineyard. Thankfully, it wasn’t grape growing season so there were no workers at the property. That would have been a whole other set of security issues.
“Yes, this view is why I bought this property. I forgot how much I loved being out here. Are you settled into the guest house?” I never asked him if he was comfortable there.
“It’s perfect. So quiet and peaceful. Your dad did a wonderful job fixing the house up for me.”
“My parents are amazing.” I couldn’t help but take in Gustan as he stretched out his long legs in from of me. I noticed he wore the same thing most days. His Jeans, combat boots, t-shirt, and leather coat were all black and not fashionable, but it was Gustan and I was used to seeing him dressed like that. He had the whole badass bodyguard vibe going right down to wearing mirrored sunglasses inside and out and sometimes in the evenings. I would have to remind him he was wearing them. As close as we were, I never discussed his personal life with him. He had a few girlfriends here and there, but I’ve only known him to get serious with one girl. His intimidating massiveness probably scared away most women.
“Hey, this is none of my business but, how is your woman situation, Gustan?” I’ve known Gustan for fifteen years and I had never asked him about his personal life. He seemed to get nervous, set his coffee down on my desk and stood up pacing my office. I’d hit on something.
“Why do you ask?”
“I just wanted to know. You might get lonely out here in the vineyard. I wanted to know if you were dating or maybe I could fix you up with someone. I didn’t know if maybe you were in a relationship or looking. We never talked about that.” He laughed nervously.
“I don’t talk about my personal life, Fabrice because it’s pretty painful. No one wants to hear my sob story.”
“Well, let’s forget I asked.” I wish I hadn’t mentioned his personal life. I turned on my computer to get the day started.
“No, since you brought it up I’ll tell you. I was married to my high school sweetheart. We were in love or at least I thought we were. When she found out I was leaving for Syria, she decided she want to be married to someone who wasn’t there for her all the time. I let her go, and she found someone else. I was crushed, but managed to crawl through the unending heartache.”
“Did you ever see her again?” I asked. This was the only time I noticed Gustan fidgeting.
“Two years ago I met her again and we rekindled our romance. Our life was incredible. I was in love and happy again.”
“Where is she now?” He looked away from me and I saw a different side of Gustan. He actually showed emotion when he talked about this so called girl. I had never met her or knew she existed. He stood up and walked to the window in my office
“She was killed in a head on collision last year. I never talked about the accident to anyone. I think you remember last year when I took the leave from the office? I took time off because of her accident. I didn’t want you to think I was weak, so I didn’t tell you. I worked through the torment. We were making plans to get married again, Fabrice. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I’m not over her. I don’t know if I ever will be. The worst part, she was three months pregnant when she was killed. So, right now, I don’t want a woman, either for a night or a relationship.” He stood at the window looking out. I managed to get up and walk to him. I slapped him on the shoulder. Thinking about what he must have gone through, I remembered losing my wife and thinking what hell I would live in if I lost