My Sweet Isabella (The Ambassador Trilogy #3)

My Sweet Isabella (The Ambassador Trilogy #3) by Mia Villano Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: My Sweet Isabella (The Ambassador Trilogy #3) by Mia Villano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Villano
    I looked down, imagining my life without Isabella. How devastated I would be if she was gone. “I’m sorry, Gustan. I didn’t mean to bring up something so painful. We will leave our personal business from now on at the door. Let me know when you want to get back into the dating scene.”
    “I will, Fabrice.” He laughed at me and walked out.
    “Gustan?” He stopped and turned around in the doorway.
    “Thank you again for what you did. I’m forever indebted to you.” He nodded.
    “I’ll told you, name your first son after me and we will be even.” We both laughed as he walked out.

S hortly after three in the afternoon, I heard the sound of cars crunching on the gravel road up to the house. We had been home for about a week before I felt well enough for visitors. Isabella thought family would help my constant irritation over the smallest things, my depression of being injured, and my sudden need to be left alone. I had finished up a call with the Angolian Prime Minister who planned a visit to D.C when I knew we were about to be invaded by company. I saw the cars coming up the long gravel drive in the distance. Two cars to be exact and one I recognized as my parents.
    I was in need of a pain pill and a nap, and not exactly in the mood to play host, but having company would give me a good excuse to open a new bottle of wine and drown my sorrows. I could hear Isabella laughing and welcoming my mom and dad at the door. That made me smile for a second and I pulled myself up on my crutches to go and greet them when I heard another voice. I heard my brother’s voice. The voice was one I had not heard in a while and hoped to not hear again. The last time I heard that voice, he was trying to justify stealing thousands of dollars from me. What the fuck? I didn’t approve of his visit. I had no idea he was coming over. I was not prepared for his ass to be there. I decided not to open up the wine. I wasn’t going to waste a good bottle of wine on him.
    I called for Isabella to come to my office before I went to greet them.
    She walked in immediately, smiling.
    “What’s wrong, baby?” she asked. That day she had on ripped jeans, an oversized sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and she wasn’t wearing any makeup. To me, she was perfect and more beautiful than ever. I couldn’t imagine another man having her the way I should be. She was mine.
    “Why is he here?” I growled. He made my blood boil knowing he set foot on my vineyard again. How he had the balls to walk in this house was beyond me.
    “I told you yesterday. You said dinner was fine. I even double checked to make sure you were okay with your brother coming.” She looked at me worried I was angry with her.
    I don’t remember her asking me. The days were blending together, pain, work, sweat, sleep.
    Unable to keep the anger from my voice, I took a deep breath to gather my thoughts. I hobbled over to her on my crutches. I leaned over and kissed the top of her head. I shouldn’t have raised my voice to her like that.
    “It’s okay. I’m sorry for snapping at you. I don’t want him here. I don’t want him on this vineyard or near you.”
    “Fabrice, you need to stop taking so many pain pills. I made sure yesterday you were okay with this and you said dinner was fine. What is wrong with you lately? I don’t have the patience for this. I can handle him.” She was giving me shit, and I liked when she did. I admired that she never cowered from telling me what she thought I needed to hear.
    She pushed away from me and gazed into my eyes. “I have been cooking for them all morning. Who do you think I was cooking for?” She spoke in a whisper so no one would hear us.
    I nodded my head toward the bedroom so she would follow me. I wanted to make myself more presentable for the guests and I needed her help. What I wanted was to make myself vanish. I didn’t want my brother to see me weak in any way. Him coming over here

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