didn’t forget our conversation in the hospital. It was safe to say, I was obsessed.
I was in the kitchen attempting to make coffee when he came in.
“Hey, can we talk now?” he asked, sticking his head in the door.
“Yes, come on in.”
Resembling every bit of a body guard dressed in all black and wearing his sunglasses, if I didn’t know him, I would be intimidated by his appearance.
He rushed in when he saw me struggling to make coffee. “Here, let me do that for you. My God, Fabrice, trying to make coffee on crutches.”
“No one can make the coffee exactly as I like.” I watched him roll his eyes and shake his head.
“You’re a real pisser, aren’t you? Well, while you are in this condition, you’ll drink the coffee the way I make it and like it.” He thought that was funny. I sat down and waited for the coffee to brew. Once the coffee brewed, he poured a cup for both of us and sat down across from me. I tasted it and said nothing. Not as good as I would have made, but it would do.
“So, what do you want to talk about, Fabrice?” Gustan asked.
“I wanted to make sure you can protect Isabella if something happens. Remember, we talked about this when I was in the hospital. Can you handle keeping her safe?”
“I can, but my main job is to keep you safe.” Christ how many times did I have to go over this with him. His answers were starting to piss me off.
“I want you to forget about me. I can handle anything that happens to me. I can use one of those other monkeys they sent over. My main concern is Isabella. Now, I know these fucks don’t let this kind of thing go. They will keep on till they kill me or we annihilate them. Until something is done permanently I’m still in danger and if I’m in danger, so is anyone around me.
He sipped his coffee making a loud slurping noise. He was mammoth sitting at the table with a coffee cup that looked cartoonish small in his giant hand. I shot him a warning glance that I meant what I said about watching Isabella. He was good at what he did and I wouldn’t have anyone else at the house protecting her. Hell, he just saved my life, but what I say goes and he needed to know that. He stood and brought the coffee pot over and poured us another cup.
I kept my eyes glued to his and made my point. “I mean what I’m saying, Gustan. I would have had you go with her today to the market, but my mom went with her and I don’t think she will be hurt down the road so I let one of the other guys go.”
He nodded his head toward me.
“What do you want me to tell Pierre when he asks me why I’m with Isabella and not you?” Pierre had insisted Gustan stay on as my bodyguard. I agreed to his security because I was jacked up on pain pills and figured I could use him to keep Isabella safe.
“I will handle Pierre. I want you to follow Isabella whenever she goes somewhere. Don’t let her out of your sight when she isn’t here. Promise me, Gustan. If something happened to her I would not care to live and I will take you with me.” I slammed my coffee cup down hard to make a point.
He nodded his head and slurped his coffee. I noticed the gun under his leather jacket in the holster. It was the same gun that killed those fucking bastards in the coffee shop.
“Keep that gun with you when you are following her.” I caught his eye and he understood that I meant what I said.
“All right, Fabrice. I will do what you want.” I pulled myself up with my crutches and awkwardly made my way past him to my office. He followed me with our coffees in his hands.
“You don’t have to hang out with me all day. You know I have important work to do.” I turned to him. He smiled at me.
“I’m hanging with you for a while. I’ll be quiet. I want to see what you do in that office as the Ambassador. I want to see how you interact with these important world leaders. Do you ever talk to the President?”
I gestured at a chair in front of my desk. I considered him more of a
Laurence Cossé, Alison Anderson