Naked Hunger: Naked Cowboys, Book 8
all in the conversation too. What was that all about?”
    “Oh, wait until I tell you.” Sable got excited all over again as she explained about the house Ryan had mentioned and what the situation was. “It sounds like exactly what I’m looking for, Georgie. And I can rent with an option to buy. That way they’ll have income from it while they look for a new place in Montana, and I can decide if it’s what I really want. Isn’t that great?”
    “Well.” A grin teased at Georgie’s lips. “That’s certainly convenient, isn’t it?”
    Sable frowned at her. “Ryan was just helping me out. And it could be a real break for me. Everything else I’ve found is either too big or too small or too expensive. And time’s running out.”
    “You know you can stay with us as long as you want to,” Georgie reminded her. “That barn’s nice and dry since Cade did all the work on it. There’s plenty of room to store your stuff while you keep looking.” Her lips twitched. “And I assume you’ve got a place for your mare?”
    “Yes, and stop smirking.” Sable gave her friend a playful smack on the arm. “He’s just going to show me the stall.”
    Now Georgie laughed out loud. “Judging by the look on his face, I’d say Ryan Donovan wants to show you a whole lot more than that.”
    Sable felt the rush of heat to her cheeks. Was it that evident? She was no stranger to dating or sex, and she’d known a lot of very sexy men in her life. But Ryan Donovan, with his Black Irish good looks, totally unsettled her. The minute she walked into the tent tonight her nipples had hardened to painful tips, a heavy ache had filled her breasts and between her thighs, the pulse in her inner walls thundered like a jungle drum. She was sure her panties were soaked, so much so she wondered if everyone had caught the scent of her musk. Thank God, no one had given her knowing looks.
    Had Ryan noticed? He was just as aroused himself. The evidence of it was obvious, the thickness of his swollen dick pressing into her mound while they’d danced had been a good indication of his own state of arousal. He certainly smelled darn good, a blend of citrus and earth and just pure male. She’d had to stop herself from sniffing his neck and licking the skin. Wouldn’t that have been just great, the new vet acting like a horny tramp on the dance floor?
    Crap. She was noted for her discipline and self-control. It was an important part of her profession, and she carried it over to personal relationships. Even with the hottest guys, she’d never completely let go. It was a matter of principle for her. Never give that control over to anyone. If the sex never quite reached the level of satisfaction she dreamed about, that was just the trade-off. If she ever got naked with Ryan, she didn’t think he’d let her get away with that. He’d be the kind of man who would strip her down to her basic needs and teach her what all-out fucking was really all about.
    Georgie’s amused voice broke into her wandering thoughts.
    Oh my God. She was sitting here in a huge crowd of people thinking of sex with the man getting her coffee. Did it show on her face? She made a tremendous effort to pull in the fraying edges of her control.
    “Hmm? Oh, sorry. Just thinking about that house. I’m going to see it tomorrow and am hoping it’s what I want. At last.”
    “If you say so, honey.” Georgie leaned closer to Sable. “I heard what you said before. I did. But let me tell you, Ryan Donovan is one fine man. He’s got a hunger in his eyes for you that he just can’t hide. Besides being sex on a stick, he’s a good, solid person.”
    Sable blew out a breath. “Thanks for the commercial, but I haven’t even had my first solo day of work here. Like I said, my priority is giving the people a chance to get familiar with me and confident with my skills.”
    Georgie held out her hands, palms out. “Whatever. Let me just say this one last thing on the

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