Naughty Nights: A Bad Boy Romance

Naughty Nights: A Bad Boy Romance by Sophie Brooks Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Naughty Nights: A Bad Boy Romance by Sophie Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Brooks
she’d ask maintenance to come by on Monday. Nothing’s going to budge her. I sure wish your room was in a different part of the building.”
    I nodded in agreement, but I didn’t really mean it. Getting to see him every evening was one of the highlights of my day. But, of course, it was really causing problems now. “She’ll have to go to the bathroom at some point.”  
    “Yeah, but how will we know when? We can’t see the front desk unless you poke your head out the door, and she’ll get suspicious if you keep doing that every two seconds. Besides, I wouldn’t put it past her to hold it out of spite. She might not leave until my shift starts at five.”  
    He looked glum. I felt sorry for him in spite of his earlier antics. He worked so hard, taking classes, studying for tests, and manning the front desk long into the evening.  
    Luke raised his head, and said, “Well, maybe I can deflect a little suspicion.” He put the phone back to his ear. “Thanks for trying. Can you do one more thing? Call her back and keep her talking for at least sixty seconds, okay? Yeah, right now, thanks.”  
    He hung up, waited a moment, and then hit a button on his phone. He listened, and then grinned. “Got the voicemail.” In a moment, he spoke in his professional voice. “Hi Barbara, it’s Luke. I wanted to let you know that I had some car trouble last night—couldn’t get it started. I’ve got a seminar this morning, but I’ll be in before my shift to try to get it going. If that doesn’t work, I’ll call a tow truck. Just wanted to give you a heads up. See you later.”  
    “That was smart,” I said. “After all, she can’t be a hundred percent sure you’re in here. I’m a pretty good actress, or at least I am when someone isn’t distracting me with his hand on my ass.”  
    Luke chuckled, but his mind was still on less naughty topics. “This means you have to stay in today,” he said. “If you go out, she’ll be in here before you reach the parking lot.”  
    “It’s okay.”  
    “I’m sorry. Weren’t you supposed to look at some more apartments this morning?”  
    “Yes. But they can wait.” I watched his face carefully. He currently looked a lot more like the solicitous young man behind the front desk rather than the passionate bad boy who’d had his hands all over my body. Maybe I could do something about that. I was already regretting freezing up before. Luke was a good guy, and he clearly liked me. Sure, I didn’t want to do anything to mess up our friendship, but why couldn’t we aim for something more?

Chapter Six

    “SHIT. I KNOW you only have a week left to find a place,” Luke said, still looking concerned. “Seriously, I’m sorry.”
    “How sorry?” I said, my eyebrows raised.  
    He glanced up in surprise, shifting his weight back to lean against the kitchen counter. “Well, now, that’s an interesting question. Let’s just say I owe you.”  
    I took a few steps toward him. “Hmm … always nice to be owed a favor.” My gaze fell, as it frequently did, to his smooth, muscled chest. Several wicked thoughts crossed my mind, but I couldn’t quite figure out how to word them without sounding like a nymphomaniac. After a moment, I chickened out. “You probably shouldn’t be promising favors to someone who’ll need help moving soon.”  
    He laughed. “Nice try, but I was watching your face. Judging by the blush, that wasn't the kind of favor you were originally going to ask for.”  
    Damn. How did he know that? I sneaked a quick peek into his eyes, and he was still watching me intently. Then his expression softened and he said, “Of course I’ll help you move, dummy. I was planning to even before I managed to get you stuck inside on a Saturday.”  
    He took my hands and waited until I looked up at him to continue. “But to tell you the truth, I’m not really sorry that you’re stuck here with me. Trapped together. All day. Just you and me.”  

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