Neighbors (Entangled Flirts)
my apartment. Heaving a sigh I knew she couldn’t hear, I answered, “Don’t tell me.”
    “I am so sorry. Drew is running a fever and I can’t leave him like this.” Maddie’s voice hitched on the word “leave.” She hiccupped into the phone, something she only does when she’s upset. “I know we’ve been planning this for a month, Rena. I really am sorry.” When I didn’t say anything, she added, “What else is going on?”
    “There’s this guy—“
    She squealed loud enough that I pulled the phone from my ear. “I knew it! Tell me about him.”
    “You remember my new neighbors?” She grunted an uh-huh. “Well, the jackass isn’t much of a jackass after all.”
    For twenty uninterrupted minutes, Maddie listened while I told her everything and picked up the fabric pieces strewn across my living room. “The thing is I don’t know if this is a good idea.”
    “Why isn’t it? You obviously like him. What’s the big deal?” Maddie used her indignant teacher voice.
    I tossed an errant throw pillow on top of a pile of other errant throw pillows. “For one, he’s moody—“
    “So are you, at least once a month.” She bit back her laugh.
    I shook my head. “Plus there’s the whole Marine thing.” Once the words were out of my mouth, I realized the real issue. I have roots here. I have a business. What if Riker and I become serious and he gets shipped off somewhere else? Could I really leave my life behind? And what if he gets hurt again? Loses his other leg, or an arm? Or worse?
    “Rena, you aren’t marrying the guy.” Maddie screamed at one of her kids in the background. “Sorry, but you’re overthinking this whole thing. Other than making out with the guy when you were drunk, nothing’s happened between you two.” She sighed her mom-sigh. “Honey, you haven’t even tried since Victor. You haven’t been interested in anybody. Why are you looking for every reason not to give it a shot with Riker?”
    The truth sucked the wind out of my lungs. She was right about Victor. I’d dated a few guys, but never wanted anything other than a night on the town. There was something about C.J. Riker that made me want to curl up beside him on a rainy day. I wanted more. I needed more.
    I ignored her question, and Maddie took the hint. She started detailing Drew’s upset stomach. Wisely, I tuned her out as I went up the stairs and picked up the clothing strewn about the room. Thank God my clients didn’t see how I lived. They’d never hire me.
    I needed to focus on the moment—avoiding the basketball game. McGovern’s was out, since they’d have the game on. In fact, every bar would have the damned game on. I pondered my options. The best case scenario was to stay home and watch a movie. I looked at my black dress with red piping along the diagonal ruffle that hung on the door of the closet. Definitely not stay-at-home attire. I started to hang it back in the closet when someone pounded on my door with the urgency of a fire alarm.
    Racing down the stairs, I almost tripped over my too-long joggers. I’d had them since college and wore them so often that there were places that they were worn to the point of being see through.
    “Hot date?” Riker asked with the sarcasm that had disappeared from our conversations.
    “No. You?” I cocked my hip, preparing for a war of words. It wasn’t like he was dressed up for night on the town. Although “hot” did apply.
    He thought for a moment, more carefully than I’d ever seen. His eyebrows knitted together, making him look angry when I knew he was trying to find the right words. “I need a favor. Can I come in?”
    I raised my eyebrows and stepped to the side.
    Riker was used to getting what he wanted when he wanted it. I didn’t see the need to grant him a favor just because he asked. I wanted him to sweat it out a bit. He paced in the living room, taking it all in for the first time. When he sat on the couch, it looked like he belonged there.

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