Nerds Are From Mars

Nerds Are From Mars by Vicki Lewis Thompson Read Free Book Online

Book: Nerds Are From Mars by Vicki Lewis Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Contemporary Romance
holding her wine-filled water glass, she walked over to the tiny printer sitting on her desk. “Let’s get to the main topic of the evening, shall we?”
    “That’s what we’re here for.” But he didn’t look particularly comfortable with the idea.
    She surveyed the room, which contained her king-sized bed, the desk chair, and one easy chair with a small table next to it. “Why don’t you sit there and I’ll take the desk chair?”
    “That doesn’t seem very gentlemanly.”
    “Maybe not, but you’re the client.”
    “The client who’s not paying you.”
    She waved that comment aside. “Whether or not you’re paying me is of no consequence. My professional pride dictates that you sit in the easy chair and I’ll take the desk chair.” She speared him with a determined glance. “And I want to keep this absolutely professional.”
    “Okay, okay.” He plopped down in the upholstered chair. “I don’t want to mess up your routine.”
    “Good.” She took his chart from the printer and started to hand it to him.
    “Before you give me that, I have a question. You said astrology is based on the zodiac. If that’s not the constellations, then what is it?”
    “It’s a band around the earth divided into thirty-degree segments.”
    “And they match up with the constellations, right?”
    “Not anymore. They used to, five thousand years ago, but the earth’s wobble has thrown that off.”
    “O-kay.” He still looked confused.
    “The best way to introduce you to astrology is by demonstrating how the zodiac has influenced you. I think you’ll be surprised. Oh, and I have not Googled you, or talked to your family and friends. I know a little about you from high school, but not much. Whatever I say now comes straight from your chart.” She handed it to him.
    He took it as he might accept a medical lab report on a condition he wished he didn’t have. She refused to allow her feelings to be hurt because he wasn’t eager to explore this with her. He had hidden depths that he hadn’t yet acknowledged, and if she could tap into those, their interaction would be amazing. Of course, he could also shut down on her, but wow, he had such potential.
    “So where am I on this chart?”
    She pointed to the Mc in the pie-shaped twelfth house. “Right here. This is the mid-heaven point that was directly above your head when you were born. And your moon is in Leo.” She pointed to the crescent-shaped symbol. “That indicates that you’re extremely loyal.”
    He glanced up. “I suppose I am.”
    “I’m guessing that you’ll stick to a person, animal, or ideology through thick and thin.”
    “I have to admit that’s true.” He laughed. “And it’s part of the problem, here. My ideology does not embrace yours.”
    She returned his smile. “Not yet.” But she had hopes that it would eventually. “Is your dad an academic?”
    “Yes, but you could have looked that up.”
    She raised both hands, palms out. “No Googling, no talking to family and friends. I promise you.”
    “Sorry. You did say that. So yes, my dad’s a biology professor at UCLA.”
    “Is he by chance a perfectionist?”
    “Oh, yeah. But he’s gentle about it and can laugh at himself. He’s also a scientist with a capital S. I can guarantee he wouldn’t be sitting here getting his chart read.”
    “No, I’ll bet not.” She gazed at him. “Props to you that you’re willing to expand your horizons.”
    He took off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose before putting them back on. Then he met her gaze, his expression open. “I’ll be honest with you. This isn’t easy for me.”
    Her heart went out to him. “I know,” she said softly. “But you’re doing it.” She noticed his glass was empty and she reached for the bottle on the desk. “Have some more wine.”
    He grinned and held out his glass. “It doesn’t say much if I have to get smashed to step out of my comfort zone, but I’ll admit when I ordered dinner I

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