“I didn’t come to college to hide in my room. But I’m just not feeling it tonight.”
She plops on the bed beside me. “This is about Andrew, isn’t it?”
I shrug my shoulders without answering. Of course it’s about him.
Yesterday, I thought I’d found a guy who is perfect boyfriend material. Today, I discover that we can’t even see each other? That hurts. More than I want to admit. I need a night to myself to get over it.
Katy puts her arm over my shoulder. “I know what it feels like. I don’t have to go tonight if you want a friend. Shit, there are going to be hundreds of parties this year. I only get one roommate.”
Her concern is touching. I smile. “Thanks. But I’ll be okay. I know how excited you are to go. Don’t let me hold you back. Besides, it wouldn’t be good manners to blow your other friends off.”
“Pfft, I don’t care about that. They’ll understand. And if not, they weren’t very good friends to begin with.”
“Go, go!” I push Katy off the bed. “Have fun, and don’t worry about me.” Pickles jumps beside me and settles on my lap. “I’ve got this guy for company.”
Katy bites the side of her lip and looks conflicted for a moment. Then she beams a radiant smile. “All right. But next time, you’re totally coming.”
“I swear.”
She smiles. “Good. How do I look?”
“Like sex in black and white.”
Katy giggles. “Just the look I was going for,” she says, and darts out the room.
I’m awakened half an hour after midnight by the sound of a door slamming. After a few seconds, I pick out Katy’s voice. Even through the walls, I can hear her laughing and giggling. She’s way too loud to be sober.
I decide to get out of bed to check on her. I open the bedroom door a crack. Immediately, a familiar male voice filters to my ears.
“No, no…” there’s a crashing sound, “…oh shit , look what you’ve done!” The male laughs obnoxiously.
Ugh . I close the door and stalk back to bed. Spencer’s here.
I throw a pillow over my head to drown out the sounds of drunken antics from the opposite room. At least there’s a spare bed in the other room for the two of them.
Chapter Seven
I wake up feeling fresh and energized. I get out of bed—and discover Katy slumbering in the top bunk.
I go up on my toes to check it out. She’s alone.
Huh . I must have slept through her coming in. I don’t think she brought Spencer here. Otherwise, I definitely would have woken up. I smile. Good.
I exit the room, gently closing the door behind me. I walk down the hall—and freeze. Spencer is standing shirtless in our kitchen.
He’s facing away from me, watching the stove. I debate turning around and retreating to my room. Then what? Hiding in bed until he leaves?
I grimace in disgust. No, I won’t do that. This is my dorm. Spencer has no right making me feel uncomfortable in my dorm.
I cross my arms and clear my throat. “Ahem.”
Spencer doesn’t turn around. He’s focused completely on the stove. There’s a spatula in his hand.
I take a breath, and note the smell of eggs in the air. Is he cooking ?
“ Ahem ,” I say again, a little louder this time.
No response. Then I notice the black wires running to his ears. I roll my eyes at my own stupidity.
Duh . Headphones.
I walk up behind him and tap him on the shoulder. He jumps. Ha ! Score one for me.
Spencer turns around. His mouth crooks into a smile when he sees me. I take it as his most charming. I wonder how many girls have fallen for it.
I know I’m immune.
“What are you doing in my kitchen?” I ask, trying to sound cross.
Spencer takes one headphone out. “Fancy seeing you here,” he grins.
“I live here,” I tell him. “What’s your excuse?”
“What, can’t a man cook breakfast these days?” He motions at the pan. I look down and cringe. The four eggs he’s got there are starting to burn at the edges.
“Apparently not,” I say, reaching over to
The Education of Lady Frances