get his fingers back where they’d been, struggling with my clothes and my squirming body.
“It’s okay.” A frightening gleam in his eyes. “We gotta pop that cherry sometime. You’re ready. We’ve waited long enough.”
“No, Clayton. I’m not!”
I dug my fingernails into his arm. He stopped my protests with a punishing kiss, rubbing his fingers hard on the cleft between my legs. I squealed into his mouth when he shoved a finger inside me. By instinct, my knee came up landing squarely in his crotch.
He fell away, sucking air.
Thank God!
With shaking fingers, I zipped my jeans and stood up, then frantically straightened my bra.
I cringed as I buttoned my top. I’d never heard him sound so angry. He rolled into a sitting position, a hand on his groin, breathing fast. I stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. When he finally turned an icy glare on me, I didn’t recognize him at all.
“Did you have to do that?” He paused and took another deep breath. “You can seriously hurt a guy kicking him there.”
Trembling, I found my voice somehow. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…you just were so… I mean, I’m not ready, Clayton.”
He stood to his feet, inhaled a deep puff of air, and let it hiss out on a sigh. He walked cautiously toward me. I took a step back.
He held out his hands. “It’s okay. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
The fury had leaked from his tone. He cupped my face and gave me a stern glare, a paternal look I’d once seen my father use. “Ella, baby. We’ve been together almost five months now. I think we both know where this relationship is headed. You’ve gotta loosen up.”
I said nothing. I wanted to tell him this all felt wrong. That this wasn’t right. Instead, I kept my mouth shut.
“Don’t you want to be with me? Don’t I give you everything a girl could want?”
I couldn’t answer that. Not honestly. So again, I said nothing.
He leaned in and pecked my swollen lips. “Better now?”
I nodded. I pretended. As always.
He let out a heavy sigh. “Good. Let’s go out then. I need a drink.”
He held open the flap for me. I stood there a second in a stupor. He hissed out another frustrated breath. “Come on, Ella. I know you’re not comfortable here, so let’s go somewhere else.”
His words were kind, but his tone held such a belittling edge that tears pricked behind my eyes. What was wrong with me that I didn’t want my boyfriend touching me? I bit my lip, forcing my tears back, and hurried to the car.
He blared the radio and drove like a bat out of hell all the way to the Morgon district. My mind replayed the scene over and over. This was the special occasion? Popping my cherry? Somehow, that’s not how I imagined it would be. Romantic candles and music or not, it didn’t feel right. I didn’t want…him.
Clayton parked a block away from Spire Maiden, the hottest new club in town. It also happened to be Sorcha’s pride and joy for two reasons. One, she was chosen as the marketing consultant for the place. And two, it was the project that brought her and Lorian together. Why couldn’t I be like Sorcha? I used to accept Clayton’s affection, feeling grateful that he wanted me. Now, I was repulsed by it.
Once parked, I had to jog to catch up to him. He was punishing me for shunning his attentions, not seeming to care if I fell behind.
I nodded to Kraven at the door whose eyes lingered, probably remembering me from the after-party from last week’s game. Dance music pulsed loud and hard. I followed Clayton to the elevator to the right of the dance floor. A human couple joined us, hanging all over each other in the corner. The girl giggled. I glanced at Clayton, who glared accusingly at me. Guilt hung heavy on my shoulders. We stepped out on the third floor.
As soon as we rounded the corner to the bar area, I sighed with relief. Sorcha sat in a plush lounge, laughing at something a silver-winged Morgon girl was saying. As I made
The Education of Lady Frances