Nookie (Nookie Series)

Nookie (Nookie Series) by Anieshea Dansby Read Free Book Online

Book: Nookie (Nookie Series) by Anieshea Dansby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anieshea Dansby
Tags: Fiction & Literature
her until she stood up to him in the hall. He explained that he felt like he wasn’t in control, and that was why he lost it on her. After his tearful begging, Joy fell more deeply into his trap, immediately taking him back and forgiving him. He never once actually said sorry for anything he did. He basically blamed his behavior on her, saying it was her who made him act that way.
    “How can I be so fucking stupid?” Joy said out loud.
    She finished drying off, cleaned the tub out and blew out the candles. When she returned to Kevin’s bedroom, he was sitting on the bed waiting for her. She couldn’t help but smile at him. He was so cute, and he smiled with his eyes. That alone made her want to forget her problems.
    “You feeling better?” he asked.
    “Yeah, a little.”
    “Well, I ordered Chinese food, if you’re hungry,” he said, removing the towel from around her and sitting her on the bed. He grabbed a bottle of lotion off his dresser and began to massage it into her skin.
    “Mmmm,” Joy moaned.
    After he had finished massaging her entire body, he placed one of his t-shirts over her head and she slid it on. He pulled the covers back for her to get in. Once she was under the covers, with the pillows propped up, he turned on the TV.
    “I don’t usually bring food into my room, but for you I’ll make an exception,” he said, entering the room carrying a tray filled with food cartons. “I didn’t know what you like, so I got a different variety of stuff.” He then handed her a plate.
    They watched Double Jeopardy as they ate, occasionally talking and kissing during the boring parts. When they had finished eating, Joy took what was left to the kitchen. She placed the containers in the fridge and threw the trash away. By the time she went back to the room, Kevin was asleep. She climbed in beside him and turned the light out. She turned the movie off and flipped through the channels, occasionally stopping on something she thought was interesting. She couldn’t concentrate on anything for too long, however, and soon dozed off.

    Chapter Nine
    Joy opened her eyes and looked at the clock. It was 9:24 am and she was late for school. Though she hated her school, she did want to graduate and had a math test that day. She got up and looked for her clothes, finding them folded in the chair. She quickly got dressed, taking Kevin’s t-shirt off and putting it on the chair. Kevin woke up just as she was tying her sneakers.
    “Good morning,” she said, when she noticed his eyes were open.
    “Good morning.”
    “I need to leave; I’m already late for school and I have to go all the way home first,” she said, not really wanting to leave.
    “Okay, I run you home and then to school, all right?” he said.
    “Aight, thank you. I appreciate everything—you letting me stay the weekend and putting up with my emotions and drama.”
    “I glad to have you. For some reason, I like being around you. I’m sorry for what you’re going through, and I’m here for you. I must sound like a pussy, but I’m kinda feeling you, already,” he said, smiling.
    “I feel the same way. I know it’s early but I feel like I known you forever. It’s so easy with you; it’s like everything just flows,” she said, walking to him and kissing him.
    He kissed back, neither of them caring about the other’s morning breath. Breaking the kiss, Kevin got up and quickly threw some clothes on. Two minutes later they were in the car and on the way to Joy’s house.
    As they pulled up to her house, Joy noticed someone sitting on her steps. “Shit,” she said.
    “What?” Kevin asked, looking in the same direction.
    “That’s Josh,” she said in disbelief.
    “Don’t worry, I’ll walk you to your door; and if there is a problem, I got you.”
    Kevin got out of the car first and went to Joy’s side. Josh got up from the steps and walked in their direction. Kevin opened the door for Joy and she got out, staying close to his

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