Nookie (Nookie Series)

Nookie (Nookie Series) by Anieshea Dansby Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Nookie (Nookie Series) by Anieshea Dansby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anieshea Dansby
Tags: Fiction & Literature
    “Dis the dude you been wit’ all weekend?” Josh asked, not even looking in Kevin’s direction.
    “Leave me alone, Josh. I have nothing to say to you,” Joy said, walking past him.
    Kevin took her hand and walked her to the front door of her house. At first Josh just stood there with the smack face on, but he was growing madder by the second and walked to the door.
    “Joy, why are you doing this? I just want to talk to you,” he said, trying to remain cool.
    “Look, she said leave her alone, so get da fuck outta here,” Kevin said.
    “Joy,” Josh continued, ignoring Kevin and grabbing Joy’s arm, pulling her to him.
    Kevin moved around Joy and punched Josh in the face. Blood gushed out his nose, some of it splashing on Joy. He let her go and she moved closer to Kevin, grabbing his arm as he was about to hit Josh again. Josh was holding his nose, crying out that it was broken. Kevin took Joy’s house key from her hand and opened the door. He then gave the key back to her and she stepped inside. Kevin stood there until she closed the door. He looked over at Josh, who had taken off his shirt and was holding it up to his still bleeding nose. Kevin sucked his teeth, called Josh a bitch and walked to his car.
    Inside, Joy quickly went upstairs and took a fast shower. She threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed her bag and stepped out into the hallway. She could hear noises from her parents’ bedroom but wasn’t sure what they were. They could be having sex , she thought as she turned towards the stairs. She dismissed that idea immediately—her parents didn’t even get along, though sometimes that doesn’t matter. She walked to the door and listened. She heard a woman’s laughter. Her mother? Then she heard a guy laugh. Definitely not her father. She listened some more, forgetting about school and Kevin waiting for her. She heard kissing sounds, and then the guy said, “You taste so good.” She backed away from the door with a hand over her mouth. She didn’t know how long she stood there, but she eventually snapped out of her trance then quickly ran down the stairs and out the door.
    Josh was gone but his bloody shirt was lying on the steps. She walked to the car and got in, looking around to see if she could spot Josh.
    “Damn, you was gone a minute,” Kevin said as he started the car.
    “My fault,” was all she said.
    “You all right? Don’t let that fool get to you. If you want, I can pick you up after school,” he said.
    “I’m not. Just thinking ’bout this test I have today. Oh, and you don’t have to pick me up. I’ll be fine,” she said, distracted.
    “You sure? It’s no problem, really,” he said, noticing how weird she was acting.
    When they arrived at her school, she sat there looking out the window. She hated going to school almost as much as she hated going home. The school was dirty, with roaches as big as her size six feet. The classrooms were overcrowded and most of the teachers could care less. Finally, she reached for the door handle and then turned back towards Kevin.
    “I’m sorry. I got a lot on my mind,” she said, kissing him quickly on the lips.
    “It’s cool. Try to have a good day, and good luck on your test,” he said.
    “I’ll call you later,” she said, then hopped out of the car.
    She had to go through the front door because it was so late. As soon as she made it to the guard, she let out a breath. This dude always gave her a hard time when she was late. But he must have read her mood, because he didn’t make his usual comment—“I shouldn’t let you in, but this must be your lucky day.” He would always get too close to her butt and breasts with his electronic wand when he scanned her for weapons, and he always took everything out of her bag when he searched it. For some reason, today he just opened her bag, glanced in and handed it back. He quickly moved the wand up and down, front and back, checked her ID and

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