Owned And Owner

Owned And Owner by Anneke Jacob Read Free Book Online

Book: Owned And Owner by Anneke Jacob Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anneke Jacob
Tags: Erótica, Science-Fiction, Adult
had a woman. His perverse preferences made ordinary sex, sex with a man, distasteful, and he had only given in once or twice for relief. But more than the sexual pressure, the mere physical frustration of celibacy, there had been the frustration of his need to possess, to own, to exert control over a small body like this. Here she was at last, and his control held, but just barely. Her female scent alone was intoxicating enough to destroy his defenses; his whole body wanted to grab her up and use her, invade her body and take over, mark her as his.
    Garid straightened the woman up by the shoulders and circled around to look again at her breasts as they heaved in time with her rapid breathing. At last he reached out and stroked one of the pliant mounds, weighing it in his hand. His cock threatened to burst from the confines of his clothes. He rolled the nipple tightly between his fingers, then stroked down her belly until he held her cunt in his hand. She was breathing in gasps now. She looked up at him and they locked gazes for a long moment, their eyes bright and feverish. Her soft fur, the slippery flesh behind it, the female smell of her like a drug in the air, at last was too much, even for him. He stepped back and shed his clothes, his gaze never leaving her. Her eyes widened at the sight of his chest and shoulders, and when she saw his erect cock her mouth dropped open and she cried out, backing away a step or two. He grabbed her and smacked her ass twice, hard. She stood still, crying a little. He picked her up, lifted her to him, his mouth kissing her neck, her face, his tongue pushing into her mouth, and she responded with passionate intensity, her closed eyes spilling tears. He let himself cast aside control now; he moved in a frenzy , his hands everywhere, handling her roughly, trying to cram years of touching into moments. She was clutching his back and moaning continuously against his mouth, the sound rising to little whimpers as he squeezed her flesh, a sound so exciting he squeezed her harder to hear it again. The legs around his waist trembled and splayed against him. Garid would wait no longer; he found her opening with his fingers, spread her wide and lowered her onto his cock, gripping her hard and thrusting. She cried out in pain, and he felt something give way inside her. Then he was deep in that soft, tight chasm, exulting, in possession. He pushed her up against a wall and fucked her, hard, ravenous, his heat mounting with each thrust. He couldn’t hold back long; within a minute he exploded inside her, his hands gripping her breasts, his shout reverberating through both their bodies.
    Slowly he let me slide down between him and the wall, until I was on the floor. I felt riven , as if an earthquake had changed my topography. As if I could never be closed again. I was slumped down, staring at my open cunt; the fluid that seeped out was pinkish. His feet were still next to me; I suppose it had been only a few moments since he had let me down, but everything seemed to be moving as if we were under water. I wasn’t thinking when I turned slowly onto my knees and put my head down to his feet. My arms were trembling as they wrapped around him, and I kissed him. I kissed each foot several times, and felt his hand stroking my hair. I was still shaking.
    I felt a great hand slip into my mouth, and I tried to suck on his finger, but he gave a little pinch with the other hand; when I opened my mouth to yelp, he tapped my tongue and pushed my head down, saying a word, and pointing at a few drops of fluid on the floor. Tentatively I began licking them up, and was rewarded with a pat. I felt gorgeously abject, and was shakily proud of his approval. I was trying to remember the word that probably meant ‘lick.’ Hoping to please him I looked up – god, his face seemed miles above me – and said my best approximation of the word. Immediately he walked off, and came back with something long in his hand. I heard

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