Pawn of Prophecy
horse was very tired, and he moved slowly up the long hill out of Upper Gralt as the sun went down ahead of them.
    "Why wouldn't you let me keep the Angarak penny, Mister Wolf?" Garion persisted. The subject still puzzled him.
    "There are many things in this world that seem to be one thing and are in fact another," Wolf said somewhat grimly. "I don't trust Angaraks, and I particularly don't trust Murgos. It would be just as well, I think, if you never had in your possession anything that bears the likeness of Torak."
    "But the war between the west and the Angaraks has been over for five hundred years now," Garion objected."All men say so."
    "Not all men," Wolf said. "Now take that robe out of the back of the cart and cover up. Your Aunt would never forgive me if you should take a chill."
    "I will if you think I should," Garion said, "but I'm not a bit cold and not at all sleepy. I'll keep you company as we go."
    "That'll be a comfort, boy," Wolf said.
    "Mister Wolf," Garion said after some time, "did you know my mother and father?"
    "Yes," Wolf said quietly.
    "My father's dead too, isn't he?"
    "I'm afraid so."
    Garion sighed deeply. "I thought so," he said. "I wish I'd known them. Aunt Pol says I was only a baby when-" He couldn't bring himself to say it. "I've tried to remember my mother, but I can't."
    "You were very small," Wolf said.
    "What were they like?" Garion asked.
    Wolf scratched at his beard. "Ordinary," he said. "So ordinary you wouldn't look twice at either one of them."
    Garion was offended by that. "Aunt Pol says my mother was very beautiful," he objected.
    "She was."
    "Then how can you say she was ordinary?"
    "She wasn't prominent or important," Wolf said. "Neither was your father. Anyone who saw them thought that they were just simple village people - a young man with a young wife and their baby - that's all anyone ever saw. That's all anyone was ever supposed to see."
    "I don't understand."
    "It's very complicated."
    "What was my father like?"
    "Medium size," Wolf said. "Dark hair. A very serious young man. I liked him."
    "Did he love my mother?"
    "More than anything."
    "And me?"
    "Of course."
    "What kind of place did they live in?"
    "It was a small place," Wolf said, "a little village near the mountains, a long way from any main roads. They had a cottage at the end of the street. It was a small, solid little house. Your father built it himself - he was a stonecutter. I used to stop by there once in a while when I was in the neighborhood." The old man's voice droned on, describing the village and the house and the two who lived there. Garion listened, not even realizing it when he fell asleep.
    It must have been very late, almost on toward dawn. In a half drowse, the boy felt himself lifted from the cart and carried up a flight of stairs. The old man was surprisingly strong. Aunt Pol was there - he knew that without even opening his eyes. There was a particular scent about her that he could have found in a dark room.
    "Just cover him up," Mister Wolf said softly to Aunt Pol. "Best not to wake him just now."
    "What happened?" Aunt Pol asked, her voice as soft as the old man's.
    "There was a Murgo in town-at your spice merchant's. He asked questions and he tried to give the boy an Angarak penny."
    "In Upper Gralt? Are you certain he was only a Murgo?"
    "It's impossible to tell. Not even I can distinguish between Murgo and Grolim with any certainty."
    "What happened to the coin?"
    "I was quick enough to get it. I gave the boy a Sendarian penny instead. If our Murgo was a Grolim, we'll let him follow me. I'm sure I can give him several months of entertainment."
    "You'll be leaving, then?" Aunt Pol's voice seemed somehow sad.
    "It's time," Wolf said. "Right now the boy is safe enough here, and I must be abroad. There are things afoot I must see to. When Murgos begin to appear in remote places, I begin to worry. We have a great responsibility and a great care placed upon us, and we mustn't allow ourselves to

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