Perfect Harmony
because the woman he’d got contracted to
do it backed out at the last moment.  I said yes and I was ready to do it, but
then the woman came back and was ready so the producer dropped me.  Richard
overheard the whole thing and he told me how he was planning on becoming an
agent on the side and he didn’t have any clients yet, but he wanted to
represent me while he built up his business.  He promised me the world.  It was
like a dream.”
    Melody blinks a tear from her eye.  “But, when I caught him
with Liz, then the whole thing came crashing down around me.”
    Seeing her hurt so much makes my gut twist.
    “Forget him.  He’s a fool.  You are worth more than he could
ever give you.”  I try to think of how to comfort her.  “It’s hard being on a
record label.  You have to project this whole outgoing don’t-take-shit highly
sexualised persona.  I’ve seen it destroy so many lives, girls who were too
young and innocent to know any better.  This business can chew you up and spit
you out if you’re not the perfect fit.”
    Her lips tremble and she looks up at me.  “You’re probably
    Damn it.  I failed to comfort her.  I am an idiot for
    The girl lost her dream, for god’s sake.  It takes more than
mere words to come back from that.  The whole world becomes such a desolate and
nebulous place, and every day the numbness consumes you bit by bit until
there’s nothing left but an empty vessel.
    There is only one way I know of to deaden that pain, to
forget the loss and move on.  I know, because it worked for me.
    But I can’t allow myself to have sex with her.  It would
cure her heart ache, but what more problems would it create?
    If I was the man I used to be, I would sing to her; a sweet
song of seduction and sensuality that would make her realise her gift of
singing is worth more than the life it could offer her.
    But I can’t.  The mere thought of singing again makes me
want to wretch.
    I am powerless to help her.  There is nothing I can do.
    Except make love to her.
    Would it be so wrong?  I’ve spent the evening with my desire
and lust arguing with my brain, but maybe they can work together.  I long to
have her in my bed for myself, but one night of pure pleasure would provide her
the comfort and solace she needs.
    Maybe I’m rationalising.  But maybe I’m not.
    Maybe only one night could cure us both without risking her
falling in love with me.
    She may be young, but Melody is still a woman.  At nineteen,
she’s already had a couple of boyfriends, so she’s not a virgin.  She’s at
least aware of who she is sexually, and knows that one night no strings
attached is exactly that.
    Thank god, she’s not a virgin.
    It may only be two men she’s slept with, but it was
something.  And she seemed so embarrassed to admit her number, as if something
so low was something to be ashamed about.  She would wince if she knew how many
women I’ve been with.
    But then, even I couldn’t give her a precise number.
    Her cheeks blush a soft red, emphasised against the white
porcelain of her skin.  She flutters her long dark eyelashes at me.
    She shifts on her feet.  “How old are you?”
    “Why do you ask?”
    “You seem so old, like an old soul.  But you look so young,
like we could be the same age, except I know you can’t be because of everything
you’ve accomplished.  I’ve been wondering it all evening and I wanted to ask
you but it didn’t seem right and I worried you’d be offended and-.”
    “And why are you asking me now?”
    “I don’t know.  I guess I’m feeling better than I did
earlier.  More comfortable.  With you.”  She furrows her brow.  “So, what’s
your number?”
    “Twenty nine.”
    “Really?  That’  You look good for your age.”  She’s
silent for a moment, then suddenly perks up again.  “How come you’re not
married?  Where I’m from, my family, everyone is married off

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